Cedar's makes some very good points. It would be nice to see the org. Go away completely. However, to many folks are in to deep and to invested to give up hope now!
I am hoping for 50 to 60% reduction worldwide. Of course when the numbers start to slip...the WT will spin or stop sharing the data.
I believe allowing Internet access to the rank and file...is coming back to bite them? All the little old sisters now have a tablet. People are finding the "bad" websites and seeing the negative news articles. They are active JW's, they have to snoop! Now they can do it in private on their PC, tablet or smart phone.
I believe the zone meeting rant from Tony Morris did a lot of damage. It exposed the GB as man made rule makers to 1.1 million publishers in 1 weekend. The GB really blew the chance to have a Historic event. Instead the only memories? 1 older out of touch leader, worried about Tight pants. Really?