Posts by ToesUp
Stephen Lett's pedophile confession
by C0ntr013r inthis "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. quite fitting, don't you think?
How can anyone take this guy seriously? Look at em, you can't help but laugh your a** off. -
Stephen Lett's pedophile confession
by C0ntr013r inthis "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. quite fitting, don't you think?
Love it! -
Did the Governing Body sucessfully fend off this bad news on thier TV Broadcast??
by Wasanelder Once inremember there was a talk about not listening to "false stories" about sexual abuse from apostates on jw's fantasy station?
did the governing body put it out there as preemptive damage control because they knew this was coming?
they must have had subpoenas giving them a heads up.
Doncha know it's ......PERSECUTION!!!!
Only the thinkers with thick skin will leave. So many of them have the need to be told what to do and when to do it. Those are the ones that will stay. Then there are the ones who have to stay in for family (I feel for those ones). It has to be brutal for these who have no choice but to stay in or they will loose everything. I think of those ones often (some on this forum). Hang in there and hope for the best. Hopefully all the current events will shake a few.
Circuit vehicles
by Gorbatchov intoday i mentioned that circuit lease vehicles has updated their website, and the connections with watchtower is not longer hidden.. see:
their mailadres is now: [email protected] and is redirected to: [email protected].
listed adress is 25 columbia heights..
I wonder if "Brothers" own the dealerships when they purchase the new vehicles? The "circle" of profit! -
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
Sail Away. They or the Congregation will contact you when they can no longer take care or afford to take care of them. Then all of a sudden you will be needed. Funny how that happens!
I know it must hurt but it is their loss.
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
This cult gets sicker by the minute!
Australian Witnesses shock bombshelled!! Arrogant Elders at Commision on Pedophiles!!
by Witness 007 ingetting alot of e-mails from angry brothers saying things like i qoute "this is the straw broke the camels back.." "bloody idiots.." etc.
last nights news featured the australian commision into jehovah's witness elders not reporting pedophiles.
it was very damning!
The JW persecution defense has begun! Just Amazing! Under Attack by Gog of Magog!
First Russia bans our website and now Headlines around the world are looking like the one below:
When answering the question of his disciples concerning the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus mentioned a “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Mt 24:3, 21)
Consider the concluding words to Jesus’ great prophecy as recorded by Mark: “Keep on the watch, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or at cockcrowing or early in the morning; in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find you sleeping. But what I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.”—Mark 13:35-37.
- See more at:
Sad about the past
by Gorbatchov intoday i feel deep sad memories in my brain.. visiting bookstudy with my parents, doing my best giving answers at 7 years old.. doing fieldservice every weekend and on an evening.. i could write so much story's about it.. we believed from our hart and listened to what the organisation told us.. it makes me sad, what a scam it became.. today i can't stand it.. i can cry about it.
I know how you feel Gorby. So many have given so much to something the believed in. I had a Faithful Sister (still in) tell us this weekend that she always tried her best (pioneered for years) and now she feels dismissed and unimportant. She really was a good example in the congregation. She always helped others and was loving and supportive. She is scratching her head as to what is going on in this organization. So sad!
Maybe all that is currently happening is the straw that broke the camels back. The org may not go away but it sure is taking a hit.
New York Post. Jehovah's Witnesses hid over 1000 sex abuse cases
by ToesUp in
ny post.
i hope many people see this information.
My hope is the residents of the City of Warwick and the communities surrounding the new World wide headquarters. Will start to question all the "tax exemptions" given to the Watchtower. When the leaders of the Watchtower organization have such a terrible past handling and hiding sex abuse cases.
Residents of the City of Warwick, ask yourself. What else are they hiding? Should they keep their tax exempt status? Let the WT pay it forward and help your community with your school taxes!
All three parts of the July 27th Royal Commission Hearing are on Watchtower Documents Website
by AndersonsInfo in
all three segments of day one are on my website and youtube channel.. .
barbara .
Ray Franz must be rolling over in his grave! He speaks to so many (from the grave) with his Crisis of Conscience publication. Thank you Ray!!!!