As Forrest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does."
You're right oppostate...Oh, the irony. lol
this showed up on my fb feed today.
posted by an active very loyal jw..
As Forrest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does."
You're right oppostate...Oh, the irony. lol
hiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.. .
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?.
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?.
so, hubby gets contacted today by one of the elders saying 2 of them want to pay us a visit and asks him when we are available.
we both had the heart drop feeling for a few minutes lol.
but he promptly, and politely, informed them that we are very busy but he will let them know when we are free.
Tell them that you are having financial problems or need some help with some heavy duty project around your home. You will never hear from them again!
Great response on your part. You owe them NOTHING!
evening folks, so as some of you may know we have recently decided to leave the witnesses and can see it for the man made organisation it is.
so, why do i get the urge to go back and feel guilty for not being there!
it's like my mind is telling me to be logical about it all but then something keeps pulling me back.. don't get me wrong i really want to break free from it all and i'm resisting the urge to go back as i have been miserable in the truth for a long time as i've known it's not right and want to do the best by my daughter.
i popped into the supermarket for a few things after work today and found myself walking up an aisle alongside a couple who used to be in my tuesday group.
i see them reasonably often and always say hello much to their obvious annoyance.
i noticed that ian was sporting a shaggy beard.
to all congregations in the united states branch territory .
re: jw congregation support .
dear brothers: .
This photo was on a pro JW website! Unbelievable!!!
back in the day, when the co came to the congregation, it was quite stressful for the elders and often, the rank and file.
is it as big a deal as it used to be?.
this happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
We still have a lot of contact withing the org. We are hearing tons of friends and family that have completely quit donating. Some of these people are very well off and are proud to tell you they no longer contribute. Of course, we just LOVE to hear this.
What the idiots at WTBS don't seem to understand is you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Oh well!
this happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
"these ones would NOT qualify for the hook-up."
I'll tell you what we don't qualify for anymore....DONATIONS! Oh, it feels so good!
Hey all....if the WTBS is pissing you off, vote with your wallets. Hit em where it hurts!