They think they are doing you some good by shunning you. It would be a lie to say it doesn't hurt. We are all human and feel the pain regardless of who we are.
This is the tell tale sign that this is NOT "Jehovahs earthly organization."
it seems incredibly difficult.
those who leave the org.
(or fade) no longer have anything in common with jehovah's witnesses, nor do they want to stick around to get radiated by the fear and guilt that saturates every aspect of a witnesses' life.. i've lost all but one of my jw friends quite simply because i can no longer condone the evil things that they condone.
They think they are doing you some good by shunning you. It would be a lie to say it doesn't hurt. We are all human and feel the pain regardless of who we are.
This is the tell tale sign that this is NOT "Jehovahs earthly organization."
my wife and i are planning on taking a year off and taking a jeep and a camper through all the 48 contiguous states and alaska and some of canada.. living in florida, i have always had guns and a concealed carry permit.
but researching for our upcoming retirement vacation, it seems to me that i might not be able to legally carry firearms on my upcoming expedition.. it seems every state has different laws and licenses.
what does a camper from florida do when he goes to new york or california?
Not too sure about the gun issue. Good question. We carry too.
As for the trip....GO FOR IT. Life is too short. Wish I could do it but have too much responsibility at the moment.
Be safe!!!
am i the only one who has single, desperate sisters in the congregation?
they tend to be holier-than-thou, frumpty, but in private talk about getting married.
but they don't understand why no brother will look at them.
Single sisters with ankle length skirts, flats and no make up = holier than thous looking for an Elder husband.
Sisters with knee length skirts, high heels and make up = need to be a little more "spiritual."
You CAN NEVER WIN IN THIS CULT. "Your skirts are too long, your make up too heavy, your nails too red, you top is too tight or too low." For Gods sake you can't do ANYTHING right! You can never do enough.
We feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders since leaving. NEVER BEEN HAPPIER WITHOUT ALL THE JUDGEMENT! Gee...I wonder why no one is getting baptized, reaching out or donating.
so that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
Pull out the ole sick card. Start out gradual, i.e. migraine headaches, joint pain or play the extremely busy card, ie. long work hours or traveling.
It will be more difficult since your family all attends the same hall. It may take some time and patience on your part.
This will begin you distancing yourself but once you decide to completely fade they will try and love bomb you back in.
They have tried love bombing us and we give them NOTHING. I owe them NOTHING.
Keep us posted.
the irony is killing me!.
I's incredible! Has anyone seen the RC where Anthony Morris talks to the audience about not judging others? That one is incredible! We laughed our ass*** off on that one.
Narcissists NEVER think they are wrong. It's always everyone else!!!!
if you could use a good laugh please have a look at page 7 of the july 2015 awake.
my wife leaves the latest issues on my pillow when she gets back from her meetings.
i often scan through them looking for nonsense.
The really ironic thing about the caption is that since we have left this crazy cult our family has had a satisfying measure of control over our lives. We are also able to live our full potential (receiving additional training and teaching our children how to survive), uninhibited by frustrating circumstances (the man made rules of the Botchtower), daily pressures (go to meetings, field circus, assemblies, do more, do more, do more) and last but not least negative feelings (the vibes EVERY JW ever gave us).
So I guess we ARE living the real life. Things that make ya go Hmmm!
if you get in an accident you will not be shunned by everyone in your family.
This drivers license example is a very poor one.
Some studies have shown the the brain does not fully mature until at least the mid 20's, possibly until the 30's.
Isn't that when Jesus was baptized? Funny how the GB never mentions when Jesus was baptized.
Bottom line...If the young ones are "in" at an early age, then they can use their family and friends as emotional black mail.
if you could use a good laugh please have a look at page 7 of the july 2015 awake.
my wife leaves the latest issues on my pillow when she gets back from her meetings.
i often scan through them looking for nonsense.
Maybe he is treking to his meeting through crocodile infested waters. He may also have to worry about being attacked by native tribes that have recently murdered his entire family. He has remained faithful and Jah will bless him for his faithfulness. That is the revised version from the GB! lol
This picture just shows how unrealistic this cult is.
Great picture for a laugh!
my guy with the lurk account on jwtalk (where all the kool-aid drinking jws go to talk about how wonderful 'the twoof' is) sent me some more interesting threads, here's one:.
spoiler: starting new the new service year september.
"there will be new directives from the branch through the circuit overseer on dress and grooming that will disqualify one to be a congregation publisher.
i almost had a freaking heart attack.
i even threw my coffee cup at the wall and starting yelling like crazy when i got the the 5th number correct.
i was checking my texas lottery ticket for this past saturday.
Damn...better luck next time!
Haven't played yet but plan on it SOON