JW Selfies! "Don't we LOOK happy?!?!"
One big social club!
noticed this whilst trawling the stream of convention instagram spam..... http://t.co/ptndxmg8k0.
JW Selfies! "Don't we LOOK happy?!?!"
One big social club!
anyone here attending the brighton rc this weekend?
hope it's my last....
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
i am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Hopefully, this will be enough to get this young man out of this cult. It is truly sad how they treat others. I hope he is ok.
They don't care about anyone but themselves.
the elders told my mom they obviously could have come after me but are holding hope that i will return to jehovah and be reunited to the congregation.. isnt that nice?.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
splash - Imagine how far some, who live on the furthest edge of the territory will now have to travel to get to a kingdom hall, maybe having to drive past where the old hall used to be
I wonder if they will ever eliminate the mid-week meeting due to the "not having enough auditoriums" reason?
Will they further promote jw-tv to include the mid-week program? If you are too old or have a special needs (i.e. no gas money, no ride, sick, etc.). Jehovah has authorized the following spiritual provision:
We now have the mid-week meeting available on JW.TV for your convenience. When you click on the video, a pop up box will state: Have you been cleared by your local elders to miss the spiritual food in person? Have you been approved for on-line meeting attendance?
Please note the donate buttons at the top, bottom and both sides of your screen.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
let the merging begin!!!.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory.
re: fully utilizing kingdom hall auditoriums.
incredibly, fred franz once announced at a district convention: "yesterday a sister approached me and said, brother franz, why do we have to keep our children up so late just so they can attend the meetings?
i responded sister ***, would you rather have a tired child or a dead child?".
*cue rapturous applause*.
in the article on the guardian ( http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/14/jehovahs-witnesses-evangelism-church-god-armageddon ) mentioned in another thread, there's this quote of mark omalley, who is assigned to the public information desk at the jehovahs witness uk centre in north london.
we now have more than 165,000 [literature] carts on the streets in over 50 countries.
it gives us visibility and availability.