Posts by ToesUp
JW Broadcasting is dying.
by John Aquila inonce a month about 15 to 20 elderly jw publishers would meet at the kingdom hall and one elder was assigned to set up the system so they could view jw broadcasting.
these publishers were long time pioneers, former elders, and long time publishers who know nothing about computers or the internet.
they are the last batch of those expecting the generation that saw 1914 or understood it--- to not die off.
Too bad the elderly sisters did not tell the a**?@!# Elders that if they had to learn how to use the internet in order to access JW broadcasting that maybe the Elders need to go on the internet and learn how to cook a turkey and a roast. I wish more people would tell these "spiritual men" to shove it. Glad the Sisters refused to cook for these ungrateful, self serving "men". I would have added the "shove it" when I refused. Just sayin. -
BURNING AMBITION by Jehovah's Witness YOUTH: "I want to clean toilets in Bethel for the rest of my life."
by TerryWalstrom inas i have written previously, i crashed a discussion between a young j-dub and his baptist workmate who were having.
a religious debate outside starbucks.
this was months ago.
We asked our kids...what people, throughout your life, have told you that learning and education was wrong? Their response...only the JW's. How can learning, education and bettering yourself be wrong. We have family members that are now at or have passed retirement age that are still working hard manual labor jobs, have no retirement and have nothing to fall back on. They were told in 1969 (from JW publications) that they would not need the education. So you gotta ask yourself. If they were wrong on that one, what else are they wrong about? -
Yet more trolley (in)activity
by konceptual99 ini am currently having to spend a little time waiting for an appointment in the vicinity of a central london station.
whilst waiting i am catching up on some work in a cafe.
i can see a couple of trolleys and have been watching them for around an hour now.. not one person has stopped to take literature.
add your own captions...
Maybe serving snacks will help?
JW Broadcasting is dying.
by John Aquila inonce a month about 15 to 20 elderly jw publishers would meet at the kingdom hall and one elder was assigned to set up the system so they could view jw broadcasting.
these publishers were long time pioneers, former elders, and long time publishers who know nothing about computers or the internet.
they are the last batch of those expecting the generation that saw 1914 or understood it--- to not die off.
So if Abraham was over 100 years old when raising a child. Why are the c.o.b.e.'s removed when they reach 80 years old?
Here is a part of the June 1, 2014 body of elders letter:
As the organization continues to expand, there is a need for more brothers to reach out and a need for those who now serve as elders to take on more responsibility. To assist in this ef- fort, the Governing Body has decided that, effective September 1, 2014, brothers who are 80 years of age or older will no longer serve as a coordinator of the body of elders. Of course, a co- ordinator of the body of elders who is not yet 80 years of age might also modestly decide that it would now be best to have another brother take on this role.—Mic. 6:8.
by Amazing indeceptive jw elders case#2 .
appointing spiritually qualified men to take the lead and serve as elders and overseers has been a feature of watch tower congregational organization since about 1972. jws were told in talks at conventions, in literature, and finally in the two versions of the organization book that the biblical criteria is used when elders meet to consider some men for appointment as an elder.
jws are also told that these qualified men are already appointed first by holy spirit, and then as the congregation is lead by that spirit to recognize them, the elders meeting is a confirmation of what god has done.
Not once have we EVER trusted the Elders. We haven't in the past and still don't. There are some good ones that think they are doing what Jehovah wants them to do. Once you trust these ones they run back to the rest of the Body of Elders and before you know it your name is being announced from the platform.
Power blackout during the meeting tonight!
by stuckinarut2 init was so funny!.
the small rented hall our congregation uses had a blackout.
we think there was some construction work next door that caused it.. at least the glow of everyone's tablets and cell phones kept the place illuminated!.
Maybe they didn't have enough $ in the coffer to pay the electric bill. -
So much "growth"! JW Land double sided coin
by thedepressedsoul ini'm finding it more and more funny how every wt article for the public or congregation, including jw broadcast talks about all this "growth" and how fast jehovha's organization is speeding up!
yet everything behind closed doors, insider information, elder letters and sales paint a very different picture.
i have news for you gb members!
It's all a shell game! Keep things moving so everyone will think it's progressing.
People (the ones who think) can see with their own eyes that the baptism #'s are way down. We noticed it before we left.
I guess the GB thinks if you say it everyone will believe it. Some will and most will just play along, they don't want to loose the social club they belong to.
Shunned or actually...not treated much differently?!
by Ohiamfree inso today on my way to work, i passed a faithful jw sister who i have met about 6 times and spoken to and was friends with a sister she spends a lot of time with, i looked at her and smiled and she looked through me.
i wondered if she knew to shun me.
i'm dating someone when i have no photographic evidence that i am free to remarry ;) let's ignore all forms of abuse and unfaithfulness...anyway!.
We were pre shunned too. Marked....never could do enough or be good enough.
We are ok with it. At this time we are grateful it happened. It helped us realize this is NOT what it appeared to be.
Thank you JW's for helping us to see the truth about the truth.
Abusing the power of tears. Yet another sign of desperation
by StarTrekAngel inso i was seating at the meeting this past sunday.
the latest wt article to be studied speaks of "using our imagination" to think about the blessings of the kingdom.
the whole study was centered around how we can, and should, spent time visualizing ourselves in the new world, working along with our brothers.
They are pushing for kids to get baptized because that is their ONLY hope. Sad!
The old ones are dying off and they are not converting new ones, so their only hope is the kids! The problem with this is, the kids are smarter than they are (especially when they hit the 20ish age). This is the social media/internet generation and they are a whole different ball game. If they don't like you...they simply unfriend you! As simple as that.
Abusing the power of tears. Yet another sign of desperation
by StarTrekAngel inso i was seating at the meeting this past sunday.
the latest wt article to be studied speaks of "using our imagination" to think about the blessings of the kingdom.
the whole study was centered around how we can, and should, spent time visualizing ourselves in the new world, working along with our brothers.
Great thread.
They do it because they know it works. It used to work on us too. Guilt and fear work wonders on peoples emotions.
I tried using my imagination that I was part of a loving and kind organization but eventually (like most of us here) woke up to the fact that is is a manipulative, high control and abusive cult.