Posts by ToesUp
Contacted by Royal Commission today
by umbertoecho infirstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
That is great news. Let the RC know all you want to share with them. It is about time this hypocritical cult takes a hit! Maybe innocent ones are finally getting a voice. -
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Jackson, or any of the GB, don't have the b***s to stand up to the RC. They will let the little guy do it for them. They get everyone else to fight their battles. The Elders are in the hot seat for once (rightly so) but the GB are watching from a far. COWARDS AND HYPOCRITES!
Who's building Warwick? Have you seen any of the GB holding a shovel? Maybe a hoe (lol). They get all the little minions to do the free labor and dirty work.
... and keep fighting
by nevaagain inlast week we had the cos visit and i wanted to share my experiences with you.
some background info on me, i knowttatt and am fully awake, my wife also knows my doubts and read a few things on the internet but she is still 100% commited to the truth, saying everything on the apostate sites are lies.
so right now i am in just to keep the status quo.
You just never know what someone else is thinking. Interesting. I think there are more "thinkers" out there than we can imagine. -
Royal Commission needs to call GB to personally testify
by RedPillPopper inthe gb needs to be subpenaed to testify just like losch was.
the commission needs to subpena each one individually and make separate fines when each one refuses.
Data Dog - I agree. We can all chip in and try to do something.
On Friday. I emailed the following news organizations in the New York area:
NBC 4 News, ABCNews, Hudson Valley Media Group (Owns small newspapers around Walkill, Middletown area)
Warwick advertiser (small newpaper in Watchtowers new backyard)
USA Today
This is the information I shared with them:
Big Child abuse investigation regarding Jehovah's Witnesses going on in Australia for the next few weeks.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is questioning how Jehovah's Witness have handled Child abuse cases since 1950.
I beg you to please look at this information. Many families in the U.S. and around the world have been impacted by bad policies. This needs the attention of the national media to protect our children and their families.
Since Jehovah's Witnesses World Wide head quarters is in NY NY. This news would interest many in your area.
The link below has all of the transcripts of the past 4 days.
Please help.
Sorry, I must remain anonymous. I would be removed from the congregation if they knew my identity.
I included the links to the royal commissions website.
I hope someone will look at the information and perhaps do a a local story regarding this investigation.
More Inspiring Young Awakenings
by freemindfade ini just found these vidoes on youtube, maybe you have seen them already, but i thought i would share.
these canadian kids for me are courageous and inspiring.
more excellent public examples of non vitrial apostate awakening.
These two young ones gives me hope that not everyone is buying ALL the current JW B.S. I would love for Cedars or Ray Publisher to highlight their story. Their story needs to be told. Shame on their families for shunning them! -
What are the possible end results from the RC?
by Bob Loblaw insorry if this has already been discussed, but,...besides, of course, a black eye on the org, what can come of this royal commission hearing legally or criminally?
according to the rc's website:.
"the royal commission holds formal public hearings to hear evidence about child sexual abuse within institutions.
I wonder if the GB will take this opportunity to make changes to the Elder arrangement.
After all, less and less males Are reaching out! The current elder population is growing older every day with less "qualified" replacements wanting to step up!
JW Broadcasting could be used to replace more and more meeting parts. More information control directly from the GB.
Less elders...less congregations. More halls will be sold.
In rural area's or for the elderly without a Kingdom Hall close by. They can be spiritually feed via JW TV.
contributions will be accepted by the on line donate button. Or sign up for automatic debit from your checking account.
Bottom line. How can WT keep the faithful "spiritually happy"! Well still getting their money?
This is getting more and more disgusting: "JW Abuse Victim Told to Bottle Her Tears"
by cappytan init took six years and three trials before a senior official in the jehovah's witness church was jailed for sexually abusing his daughter.. the only support the jehovah's witnesses gave the woman was to tell her to" put her tears in a skin bottle".. .
I don't know but maybe I'm a different person but if I was told this, I would have placed my foot where the sun don't shine. Just sayin! -
Did the Governing Body sucessfully fend off this bad news on thier TV Broadcast??
by Wasanelder Once inremember there was a talk about not listening to "false stories" about sexual abuse from apostates on jw's fantasy station?
did the governing body put it out there as preemptive damage control because they knew this was coming?
they must have had subpoenas giving them a heads up.
Sure they knew it was coming. Damage control.
The funny thing is what they wrote in that WT , "ask Jehovah for wisdom and speak to mature brothers about it." I find this hilarious. If you spoke to them about it you would be DFed for apostasy. What a joke!!
Stephen Lett's pedophile confession
by C0ntr013r inthis "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. quite fitting, don't you think?
How can anyone take this guy seriously? Look at em, you can't help but laugh your a** off. -
Stephen Lett's pedophile confession
by C0ntr013r inthis "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. quite fitting, don't you think?
Love it!