The key is what you said in you OP , "And if your JW friends/family choose to ignore you, it's there lose."
You are so correct there. It is sad but oh so true.
I am so sorry you have to experience this. This is NOT love!
Hugs to you!
so i usually get dressed for school at my job.
i couldn't today so i figured i'd drive by my parent's house and ask if i could change there seeing as they live two blocks from my house.
as i am pulling up to my parent's i see a familiar face.
The key is what you said in you OP , "And if your JW friends/family choose to ignore you, it's there lose."
You are so correct there. It is sad but oh so true.
I am so sorry you have to experience this. This is NOT love!
Hugs to you!
one member of a similar spanish speaking forum has found something quite interesting.. it is quite funny to see that gb members do not really realize how their belongings are really showing them as a fraud.
do you expect to see a gb wearing a 17000 us$ iwatch when answering to a court.
geoffrey jackson does !.
"So what happened to that mindset?"
It is LONG GONE. The religion we were born into is long gone (not that the old version was much better). This is the new and improved JW. They don't even use Jehovahs Witnesses to identify themselves, they are JW's.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
especially to those who know me in person, i wanted to share with you my joy today.. i spoke today very long with my jw family of my position (away from the org, separated and gay), without any criticism or attack or threat.
quite an achievement.. why about this change?
parents age is moving them to see the reality of the situation.
"I've already seen this on many occasions recently among my acquaintances. Thinking that the Congregation will act as caretaker is pure "utopia". It is more of the same. Pure smoke."
It is amazing when you actually SEE the lack of love with your own eyes! When we went through a difficult time, we looked at each other and said, "they really don't care, do they?" That is the moment we walked away.
They spin, all of your life, that your "Brothers and Sisters" will be there for you when you need them. The reality of it is quite different. You have to see it with your own eyes to truly have it sink in.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
i read on another thread (on another forum) where someone mentioned a truly guilt-inducing, cringe-worthy, "bad association" video that was played at this summers rc's.
here is how that person described it:.
"the video about "bad association" was really weird.
I have not heard of that one.
I was a born in JW and I have to be honest. Most of the bad association was actually IN the Kingdom Hall. The kids in school acted better than the ones at the Hall. Lot's of double lives.
after listening to the hearings of the australian royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, i am no longer content to have simply walked away from the organization.
as a matter of conscience, i do not want my name linked with the organization in any way.
i know this letter has been posted previously, and i thank the author.
lostwun here, i joined 2 months ago but am now just finding the courage after doing more research to formally introduce myself to the board and embrace my new beginnings as an ex-jw.
i am a second-generation jw.
i grew up with parents who are well known and very respected in many circuits.
We have learned over time not to let the JW's get to you. You are in control! If you bump into JW's in public and they start questioning you, just respond, "I don't feel or want to discuss that with you at this time." What are they going to say to that? Not a damn thing. An Elder may ask (we have been asked), "we would like to make a shepherding call on you." Our response, "we appreciate that but we will call you if we decide that is necessary. We are doing fine." What can they say? Nothing
Give them NOTHING! They don't deserve it. They are only looking to nose around in your business. If you spill any info they will tell you to go to the meetings, go out in service. Do more, do more, do more! Then they will spread anything you say all around the circuit.
I always remember a quote from the movie Dolores Claiborne, " Sometimes Dolores...sometimes, you have to be a high riding bitch to survive. Sometimes, being a bitch is all a woman has to hang onto."
That is one of my favorite quotes from a movie. I have become that bitch, at times. It feels good to be in control!
imitate the desert god.
the ca for the upcoming year is entittled "imitate [insert desert god name]" so for the public at large its jesus but *wink wink* we really mean the desert god.
What's next? more GB singing at the annual meeting!
about a month ago i posted what had happened to two elderly sisters who were reprimanded by a couple of elders for crying because the jw broadcasting was going to be stopped at the kingdom hall and it was up to each publisher to learn how to use the internet.
if you recall the sisters got together with my mom and talked about it and it resulted in all of them declining to make meals for the pioneers.
here is the link.
Oh John...you just made my day!!!!