Posts by ToesUp
Liquidation sale of RBC assets
by Darkknight757 ingot this very interesting email last night and i thought i'd share it.. this is from the local rbc.. "in harmony with our new ldc form we have been asked by the branch to liquidate all current assets of used tools and materials once owned by the rbc.
you are invited to visit the equipment trailers to acquire items being liquidated by the rbc asset team, these items will be offered on a first come bases with voluntary donation.
if you see any item you like please be in position to take it with you at that time, after you return to your congregation then you will make a donation of cash or check in the congregation contribution box designated for the support of the worldwide work.
Going out of Business sale! Everything must go!!! -
Too Much Discontent in the Congregation Part 3
by Simon Templar innow, 80-85 years later, we are still here.
if i was to do the counsel with a brother who had this much experience, i would have just thanked him for doing the talk, and marked him good on the point.
this is a good way to get money though.
It is sad. It sucks feeling like you have been duped. -
Blondie's Highlights from 11-15-2015 WT (FAITH)
by blondie inblondies highlights from the 11-15-2015 wt study (september 15, 2015)(faith).
excellent general website: .
wt publications (old).
The GB is worried. Very worried! They have done it to themselves. Listen again to the 2014 Zone Mtg. Anthony Morris III talk. This has made more people then we know doubt. -
Caleb prepares for the New System.
by LogCon indad: my son, you look like you are writing down something very important.
are you studying the watchtower?.
caleb: no, im just writing down some numbers and names in this notebook.. dad: what numbers and names, my son?.
Funny. Loved it! -
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
They are getting everyone ready to watch everything via video. It's the 700 club!
Wow...this would be a great way to fade and still maintain all of your friendships and family. You can sit around in your jammies and drink your booze while watching. Who's gonna know. A WONDERFUL JW tool, in my opinion.
Hey GB....don't forget to put the big DONATE BUTTON on the screen!
Promoting Hate & Shunning of their own people, how does Watchtower do it?
by clarity inshort clip from pbs presentation the brain.. fascinating studies of the brain & its function.
watch as people become mind controlled to hate & kill their own people ....people they loved.
propaganda from watchtower literature, convention battering accomplishes the same thing as seen on this clip.
If you have ever met a narcissist and dealt closely with them you will see that the narcissist will NEVER look and see if he/she is the problem. It is always the other person's fault, never theres. The JW cult is run by narcissists. Just listen to Anthony Morris III speak. Watch and listen to most of the CO's. Read the Return to Jehovah brochure. The brochure doesn't take into consideration that people are exiting because of the leadership and their abusive behavior has taken it's toll on some many. -
Are Jehovah's Witnesses marriages even legit?
by Joliette ini ask this because of the circumstances behind why they get married and who they get married by.
i know people say that they are really in love, they love jehovah, etc, but are these marriages even legit.
i've talked to older jw's sister who are now widowed, some of them say that they were trapped in a marriages.
They are legally legit but unfortunately some may not be genuine. I think some of these kids and adults get married just to have sex. Sex is great but after the wedding life kicks in.
The ONLY thing good that came from my upbringing in the JW cult was I met my wonderful spouse and had great kids. I am grateful for that everyday.
Warwick Project Update Email
by wifibandit infwd from anon:.
dear brothers,.
we are happy to provide you with a brief progress update on the warwick project and explain how you can assist with a major adjustment recently approved in our construction schedule.
"so they can be safely hidden away"
Funny you say this. How much do you want to bet there is a bomb shelter and tunnels under that resort. If these guys had to go to prison for the preaching work (as they say), they wouldn't last a second. They would be crying for their ma ma's. lol
EldersÂ’ School 2015: Model Judicial Committee Videos: Appeal, Reinstatement, Making Recommendations and messages from the GB
by hildebrando in5 new videos kingdom ministry school 2015:.
judging with insight/appeal committee.
judging with insight/reinstatement committee.
I hate the word judge/judging/judgmental. It's interesting that the word judging is noted in the program.
No man in a imperfect cult disguised as a religion should be in judgment of another. A volunteer one at that. At least if I am treated not so fairly at work, I'm getting paid for it. lol
Make your predictions!
by Coded Logic inthe more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
The writing is on the wall with the JW's. They will have a reduction in size but will not go away. Our families will stay in due to the resurrection hope. The only way anyone (family) will leave is if they are screwed over personally. That always seems to get people motivated. lol
We will NEVER return. Learning TTATT has sealed it for us.