I naively believed my love for my son and his love for me would be stronger than the rules of this manmade religion. I was wrong, very wrong.
I read your story and it's like I wrote it....Sort of. I can't see me waking him up in my lifetime, I'm pretty much out of steam. When I or my wife would confront him it just ends up with him preaching and quoting some garbage(that just boggles my mind), then closes in an argument. Most all of our relatives and freinds(which are non J-Dubbs) make it seem like we are being cruel to our son. I don't get it. We lost a lot of people that were our freinds.......I guess they really were never our freinds. We don't bother with most of our relatives either. People are acting like it's no big deal and we are basicly making a bigger thing than it is. I plainly tell them "If and when this happens to one of your own kids.....Come tell me how you feel then". The big thing we worry about is the little girl our son had with his ex-girlfreind which is now 4 years old. His ex-girlfreind was best freinds with his new J-Dub bride for over 8 years prior. Good Ol' Devil Woman swooped in like a black widow and trapped him in the web. My wife and I see our little grand daughter through the ex-girlfreind quite a bit. Through the court custody battles he said he was not going to be taking her to KingDumb Hall. Well that was a bullshit lie like everything else about them. They drag her to that shit-hole any time he has "His Time" to have her.
I constantly worry our little Grand daughter is becoming so messed up and nothing we can do about it. One thing for sure is my wife and I give her Christmas's, Birthdays, Easters, Halloween,........You name it.
I think I'll be out of life before I can win a fight with these bastards.