Thanks for all the input.......The big thing with these hippocrates is they say one thing and do another. They keep Christmas and Birthdays from my grandaughter(which is not her kid or a J-Dub kid) because she is not supposed to need that. However then the bitch figures she can get a boob job and that's OK. Two faced double standard pricks.
JoinedPosts by J-DUBBED
"Material Objects"
by J-DUBBED ini've heard before about the j-dubs saying they are not to have too many's just "material objects".
not to have tattoos on their skin also.. what about a full blown born in j-dub getting breast implants??
is that allowed??
"Material Objects"
by J-DUBBED ini've heard before about the j-dubs saying they are not to have too many's just "material objects".
not to have tattoos on their skin also.. what about a full blown born in j-dub getting breast implants??
is that allowed??
Yes................That's kinda how I figured they"Roll". Two Face bastards.
"Material Objects"
by J-DUBBED ini've heard before about the j-dubs saying they are not to have too many's just "material objects".
not to have tattoos on their skin also.. what about a full blown born in j-dub getting breast implants??
is that allowed??
I've heard before about the J-Dubs saying they are not to have too many things..............It's just "Material Objects". Not to have Tattoos on their skin also.
What about a full blown born in J-Dub getting breast implants?? Is that allowed?? Wouldn't that be "Material Objects"??
My own daughter has much suffered; she will get justice in due time.
by TheFadingAlbatros injust learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
Don't allow her to speak with the elders, leave it to the proper legal authorities when she is ready. The elders will only make it worse with their questioning and most likely it will be for nothing.
Those J-Dub Club pricks seem to think they are "above the law". They think they have "Control" over everyone and everything.
They need to be stopped and put in their place.
I was brought up Roman Catholic. I don't go to church every Sunday like most others do. It's not a "Rule" that you must go or you'll be punished. They have no control on me. I'm not required to pull people in. I can't imagine that could ever be legally possible to even be happening. I had no idea crap like this could take place in the J-Dub Club. I was brought up to keep away from the J-Dubs and do not talk to them or let them in the house and don't take their papers. After doing a lot of research since our son was taken in to the J-Dub Club...................I can see why my dad was firm on his beliefs to "Stay away from them".
My own daughter has much suffered; she will get justice in due time.
by TheFadingAlbatros injust learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
Yes, hopefully your daughter gets the help she needs to clear her mind(if that is even possible). "Worldly" people should take these bastards behind King Dumb Hole and really make them PAY for their sins.
How to wake up and reverse the trance???
by J-DUBBED inhow do you wake up someone taken from us by these screwed up people?.
our son was hooked by a jw at the age of 25. within 3 months they were married and we never even new about it.
he is now 29 and has nothing to do with his family(except his sister the odd time, when he needs something) of any freinds.. we are lost and have been for four years.. .
Well.....what to do now??
Our son phoned me this morning asking if we want to come over for a coffee. I didn't know how to respond, it's been four years since any real conversation or visit. I said we would like to see YOU, I'll let you know.
We don't really want to see or be in the same room as his Darling J-Dub Bride......So I don't want to go to his place. How do you tell him without pissing him off, that he should come to our place alone without his J-Dub Bride.
Any opinions on how to approach this would be appreciated.
Any elders out there? How to Local needs talks work?
by Letts Party inso a local needs talk was lovingly given at our hall last week that i'm positive targeted me specifically.
it had to do with missing meetings for work.
they even had a demo on what we should do if our boss asks us to stay overtime on a meeting night (basically say "no" and risk losing your great job which you have no desire whatsoever to lose)... so i'm aware that there's a sort of protocol the elders follow when someone in the hall needs to work on something.
Trying to understand the logic.....
The J-Dubs are told not to associate with "Worldly" people.
How can they accept jobs and work for "Worldly" people??
How can they go to stores and buy things from "Worldly" people??
How can they go into restaraunts and eat meals provided by "Worldly" people??
Bunch of "Double Standard Hippocrates" I would think.......
EDIT an old post!
by J-DUBBED inhow can i edit an old post?
i would like to pretty much leave the post content the same except i would like to delete a name i posted in it..
How can I EDIT an old post? I would like to pretty much leave the post content the same except I would like to DELETE a name I posted in it.
Mommy says no Christmas
by Anony Mous indaughter is 3 now, that's a little less than i've been on this forum.
you can find my life story in earlier posts.
enough to say that i have a generous amount of visitation with her.. i picked her up and was talking about the lights some of her neighbors had.
I wished brainwashing kids like this was considered legally to be child abuse. Fuck the Witnesses, I wish someone would burn down their empire.
Why the hell shouldn't it be considered "Child Abuse"???
They take innocent little children that can't defend themselves and FUCK with their minds.
I suppose that gives all the fucksticks in King Dumb Hole a feeling of POWER over everyone.
One day..................Their Day Will Come. Just not soon enough.
Kingdom Hall Money Grab Was for Child Abuse Its Completely Clear
by thedepressedsoul inif youve followed the news lately there are more and more child abuse cases popping up.
one lawyer said he has over 28 cases in the pipeline that are going to be coming out soon.
on december 1 st a new one just popped up.
Maybe 2014 is their "Dooms Day"...................Their World is going to end.