yes welcome shunned
this place is fun
and sometimes it gets kinky in the chat room when i go in there...
with love
i wanted to thank everyone, for giving me the most awesome unconditional welcome i have ever had.
my brother (((((zev)))))) told me there were people like us, but i never realized how many there are.
thank you victor for the margarita, my favorite!!!!!.
yes welcome shunned
this place is fun
and sometimes it gets kinky in the chat room when i go in there...
with love
i never knew what 69 was until someone drew me a picture...
then we acted it out...
well last night finally did it for me.. i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone.
it sounded like it was mandy.
ooh my god did i freak.
i am still here for all of you who are worried
i can't promise you i don't think of suicide
but for right now i won't do anything
i am just here
i don't want to talk about IT anymore
or HER
i just want to fuck around with the trolls
yours truly
christendom teaches that there are three persons in one substance.
yet there is not three gods but one god.
what could be more unscriptural and illogical?
it's not the trinity that bothers me, it's dubs like you.
fuck off
i was trying to do a little catching-up on posts this afternoon and read the thread where leander discussed his resignation as a ms as he is ending his days as a dub.
congratulations, leander!
you made the right choice!
i have been really down, but reading this post made me LAUGH MY ASS OFF!
if that kangaroo got baptized, $100 says he get's disfellowshipped in a year!
this is so fucking funny!
well last night finally did it for me.. i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone.
it sounded like it was mandy.
ooh my god did i freak.
well last night finally did it for me.
i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone. it sounded like it was mandy. ooh my god did i freak. some of you were in the chat room when i was freaking.
i called a friend of mine and asked him to pick me up (i was dropped of at steph's house because i was running late and i was out with christine)
stephanie came in the room and said that SHE was giving me a ride home. so anyways i told her we can't just be friends. i am dying.
i gave her my favorite necklace, the one that says 'DUDE'. i wear that thing all the time. i am going to look at guns today. i can't live throught this.
or, i might move. i can't live around here. my mom and stephanie will always haunt me. i work at the local grocery store and see EVERYONE. all the jw's my mom my sister stephanie.
and living here, i see her pictures as i walk down the hall (i live with her aunt and uncle)
so if this is the last time you see a post from me, then i just want to say i love all of you guys very much.
i wish you all luck with the silent lambs.
with love,
Katie Ann
i'm pretty sure this question has probably been asked before but i'd like to put it out here and see what the responses are.
my doubts about the bible probably began maybe 6 or 7 years ago, they were very small ones however and i managed to supress them for quite a while.
however certain events in my life would make those events resurface.
i believe in god or a higher being, but as for religion and the
bible.... i don't know? i think that the bible is just a book
of rules, if you follow them it may make your life easier, but
if you don't, nothing bad will happen to you nessecarily...
life may be a little harder. ex: you shouldn't have an affair with
someone who is married. it's wrong. the bible says it. if you
follow that advice it will make your life easier. but if you go ahead
and do it, you will not be struck down, but it can cause problems
in your life and others.
religion is just something people use for control.
i do not believe in heaven or hell. people tell me i am going to burn
in hell, i say ok whatever.
but i don't believe we just came about. i do believe that a higher
being created us.
that's just me though,
would you have become a witness if not raised as one?.
for me i would say no way.
that depends.
on how good my christmas's and birthday's were growing up , and
who was trying to persuade me to be a jw as an adult. because
if Paul Walker came to MY door, i would say yes. because he
is gorgoues
and it depends if i was still attracted to girls...
ok, here is my situation.
i have been talking with someone on the phone and i am very interested in this person.
i have only been talking to them about 4 or 5 days, and when i was talking to them last night or about 3 hours and at one point, just talking to them gave me that sensation, like you get after you kiss someone for the first time.
if you think 3 hours is long i once talked to the guy of my dreams for 7 hours and 45 minutes.
we didn't have a "happily ever after" ending- but i hear of people that do.
good luck!
i still cannot believe i found this site.. there are so many people here that sound so much like me (except.
the whole lesbian thang!
i love you all who hang in there by being out!.
i love lesbians myself...
has anyone seen that movie 'if these walls could talk 2'?
that is a great lesbian movie!
thank god i'm out-