Anyways, great post!
elizabeth and sara... .
two sisters are doing their math homework together.
sara is 10 and struggling with her new division homework.
Anyways, great post!
elizabeth and sara... .
two sisters are doing their math homework together.
sara is 10 and struggling with her new division homework.
As exJW's we probably value honesty more than most people in this world. We've been swindled - we know how bad that feels.
The statement doesn't apply only to exJW's, but it also applies to non-JWs in general and non-JWs who had personally dealt with JWs as I am a non-JW.
elizabeth and sara... .
two sisters are doing their math homework together.
sara is 10 and struggling with her new division homework.
Great Post, Andi!
Thank you!
i just saw this in the news this morning.
a father killed his family and them himself.
this happened in mcminnvile, oregon just outside of portland, oregon.
I am shunned moron, but unlike you I take responsability for my actions and I know that I don't deserve their company.
First, nice choice of words you used in moron .
Second, I take responsibility of my actions and so far, I don't see that I did anything wrong: I am making a comment/rebuttal to an insensitive comment you made.
Third, if you're shunned and you admit that you don't deserve their company, you suffer from self-esteem.
You suffer from self-esteem. All your life, you're measuring yourself to the Watchtower Society's standard. As much as you do that, you cannot accomplish all of it because it is in our nature as human beings not to be perfect. Does God love us any less because of that? YES... he still loves us despite our imperfection. If God is love, he'll accept you anyway you are. He won't reject you nor shun you because shunning is not loving and God is love.
Maybe you oughta read the parable of the "Prodigal Son". As far as I know, the father welcomed his son back with open arms despite all the errors his son made. That's how God is, like that father, but even better.
i just saw this in the news this morning.
a father killed his family and them himself.
this happened in mcminnvile, oregon just outside of portland, oregon.
Sounds like he was an apostate. Should make you proud sickos!
I guess that is an example of your "Christian" love, right?
When you are shunned by your "JW family and friends", let us know how does it feel?
after 6 months and hundreds of resu'mes.
i never had one in the consrtuction field before.. las vegas, nevada is the stupidist place on earth.. before you can be hired you need.. 1. nevada drivers license.
2. sheriff's card.
Good Luck!
I also hope the best for you in your interview and in getting the job as nowadays, it is hard with today's economy.
So, congrats on your job interview and wish you the best in getting a job.
hey folks its my birthday, so y'all have a shot of wild turkey for me today.
Happy Birthday, WT!
Are we allowed one shot only?
Pre-75 (my favorites in order):
1) The Godfather II (The DeNiro scenes were great)
2) The Graduate (Love the Cinematography)
3) The Godfather (Love the Cinematography also)
4) Pride of the Yankees
5) True Grit (w/ John Wayne and Kim Darby)
6) The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
7) For a Few Dollars More
8) Ben Hur (Charlton Heston's best flick)
9) Rebel Without a Cause (James Dean's greatest)
10) To Sir With Love (w/ Sidney Poitier)
11) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Jack Nicholson was great in that flick)
12) American Graffiti ('nuff said about its cast)
There's many more, but I'll limit to those 12.
we had quite a bit of wind here last night, and as i was up with the baby and couldn't sleep anyway, i was thinking back to when i was young.. living on the east coast, we got some of the mega storms that the southwest doesn't usually get, at least not with any regularity.. as a kid, everytime a vicious thunderstorm or violent electric storm started, i would wonder the unimaginable:.
is this armegeddon????.
Not only JWs think like that when a Natural Disaster occurs. In the West Coast, when a Big Earthquake occurs, people from all creed (even JWs) would think it's Armageddon. So LDH, don't feel bad if you're the only who feels that way. It happens to everyone.
having a hard time with dateline eh?.
i admire what you are trying to do in behalf of all those that have been sexually abused, but i believe you are going about it in the wrong way.. you have taken up a fight against jehovah himself and this is futile.
the organization has some flaws, as is expected of any imperfect organization.
Jehovah's organization is perfect, but the members are imperfect
How can the organization is perfect when its parts/members are imperfect?
Please enlighten me, YoYo.