Feel Yourself at Home.
Feel Yourself at Home.
from: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: wed may 22, 2002 12:26 pm.
subject: just had jw at my door.
Hey, Tess:
I guess a couple of JobTurkeys tried to babble and sell you too much jibby-jabba gibberish until you really ruffled their feathers.
I bet the BOY (and I say BOY 'cause he acted and behaved like one) really got freaked out while the GIRL just got spooked.
HA!HA! LOL! You sure did expose them to the REAL TRUTH.
i mentioned to my sainted mother that dateline was going to have the jw's featured on their show may 28. she asked what the show was going to be about.
i replied, "pedophilia.
" she replied, "oh, that bill bowen?
Yes, she is.
If there was a story on the Dallas Morning News, ask her to show it to you. If she insists that it's in there, tell her that you would like to see what the story is about and read it for yourself.
Pretty Typical of them Jehovah's JobTurkeys, defending the WitchPower Babble and Trash Society all of them! Going door-to-door, babbling too much jibby-jabba giberish. Same as the KH.
just wondering about how many here feel they are fighters against the organisation of jehovahs witnesses, and how many consider themselves just recovering from the experience?.
i would say i am a fighter, that is i am against the org not just upset at what has happened to me.. how about you?
Though I was never a JW, I've been hurt by one.
However, I consider myself a fighter. I do speak out and criticize against the WTS doctrines and policies. I question the JWs about what they teach. I help other non-JWs in knowing and learning what JWs doctrines are about as well as what's behind that friendly facade.
I like to help out recovering xJWs because part of being a fighter is also to help xJWs who are trying to recover from the experience.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.Galatians 1:9
i'm pretty sure this question has probably been asked before but i'd like to put it out here and see what the responses are.
my doubts about the bible probably began maybe 6 or 7 years ago, they were very small ones however and i managed to supress them for quite a while.
however certain events in my life would make those events resurface.
Yes, Yes and No.
Yes. I do believe in God
Yes. I do believe in the bible, the KJV not the NWT.
No. Most here have stated that religion is what people use to control others, which is true.
i wanted to thank everyone, for giving me the most awesome unconditional welcome i have ever had.
my brother (((((zev)))))) told me there were people like us, but i never realized how many there are.
thank you victor for the margarita, my favorite!!!!!.
Welcome to the board though better late than never.
christendom teaches that there are three persons in one substance.
yet there is not three gods but one god.
what could be more unscriptural and illogical?
the whole syntactical structure in John 1:1 seems to undermine the Trinity doctrine.
Tell me how does it undermine the Trinity doctrine?
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.Galatians 1:9
well last night finally did it for me.. i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone.
it sounded like it was mandy.
ooh my god did i freak.
I tried to call you twice after reading your post this thread.
Please reconsider about what you are doing. See there are people here, myself included, who is extremely concerned about you.
Please talk to us. Email us. Call us. Open yourself up.
You have my email and phone number.
regards and love,
christendom teaches that there are three persons in one substance.
yet there is not three gods but one god.
what could be more unscriptural and illogical?
If you say the bible shows that Jehovah is one god, and there is only one God. Then quoting from the bible, the NWT version, look at
John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." Are you implying that the Word was a god as in another god? It sure sounds like you folks are talking about more than one God.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.Galatians 1:9
i still cannot believe i found this site.. there are so many people here that sound so much like me (except.
the whole lesbian thang!
i love you all who hang in there by being out!.
I do admit that I met a lot of interesting characters. Some I don't care for (I won't mention names), but the rest, I do love them. Quoting from Rick:
I too appreciate this board. It is people like yourself Katie that make it special-Rick
He just said and summed it all.
regards and love,