I think Simon closed his account and banned him from the forum. He tried to come back as Hombre Arana or Che Guevara, but Simon found through his IP address that it was MavMan (also known as YoYoMaMa).
when i first came on board there was a poster by the name of mavman.
he was trying to get reinstated - don't know why this popped into my head lately but i was wondering what happened to him?
does anyone know?
I think Simon closed his account and banned him from the forum. He tried to come back as Hombre Arana or Che Guevara, but Simon found through his IP address that it was MavMan (also known as YoYoMaMa).
i am a "newbie" that has been "lurking" and commenting on a couple of posts over the last six months.
i was somewhat intimidated by some of the comments on the board so i didn't feel comfortable in introducing myself.
since simon seems to be dealing with some of the more "aggressive" posters i felt the time had come to introduce myself.
Welcome to the Board Patricia!!!
You can post any questions, post replies. Because this is a forum, don't let arguments around here get to you as there are many kind of people and you have the freedom to express you thoughts even if it disagrees with others.
Welcome and regards,
this isn't really a joke, but i do wonder if the jws could anything worse than they already have.
i don't think/suspect that the dubs would go off and do a mass-killing/suicide of themselves, a la jonestown or waco.
but you do have to wonder now that the pedophile and the un/wts-connection scandals have came to "light", so to speak, what else is brewing in the underbelly of the society?.
I don't think the JWs and WTS are going to pull a Jim Jones or a Heaven's Gate. I feel they've been doing the worst things for years and that is "Changing Doctrines/Policies" or claiming "New Light" if you may say so.
my door!
can you imagine that?
don't they know i'm a filthy apostulater!
Afraid of them, No. Angry at them, yes. I will welcome any argument they want. Believe me, I am secure in my beliefs and also, I've been there and done that in trying to reason with them. However in reality, it is them who is scared as to them everything that is not JW or from the WTS is evil. You're familiar with that M.O., aren't you, Jim?
Also, as you also know: you cannot talk to anybody who is not willing to listen and understand. Therefore, if you try to show them where the WTS is not correct, they will ignore it.
If you confront them with the real issues (such as Dateline, pedophiles), they either deny or evade.
Now, who is scared of whom???? Certainly not me, the one bringing the issue. Since they know that I bring the issue to them, they'll avoid me.
You and your brother were kicked out because you confronted them with the issues at stake. Believe me, it is them who are the ones who are afraid as they kicked you out.
For me, they want to argue with me. OK, LET'S ROCK!
Edited by - AjaxMan on 5 July 2002 9:45:11
my door!
can you imagine that?
don't they know i'm a filthy apostulater!
The Jw's are not the enemy so you have to use tactics that will get through to their closed minds, not an easy task at all.
That's like saying "Don't hate the player, Hate the game". Sorry, but I don't buy that crap because the player is the one who keeps perpetuating the game. Therefore, the dubs keep on perpetuating their closed-minded attitudes to other views while expecting non-jws to have an open attitude to theirs.
It's give and take, buddy. I will look at their point of view and open up to them if they are really gonna open up and look at my point of views. Will that happen? Nope.
I guess you have heard the term "Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing". Well that pretty much sums them up.
My 2 cents and my apologies for being blunt.
my door!
can you imagine that?
don't they know i'm a filthy apostulater!
If the unarmed guy makes sudden moves toward me, I'll shoot the S.O.B.
Believe me if I were you, I would have done the same thing: Chewing out those brainwashed sorry excuses of human beings and I will not regret doing it.
As a matter of fact, you gave me a great idea on how to deal with dubs if they knock on my door.
Thanks Francois.
i just wanted to share a few things that are on my heart and mind...hope you don't mind reading.
the church i'm affiliated with has several sister churches around the world.
the purpose of those relationships is to encourage and help each other grow in our relationship with god and christ, whether it be by spiritual encouragement or physical help.
Andi and Neil,
Have a Great and Safe Trip!!!! More importantly, Have Fun in Latvia!!!
Regards and best wishes,
testimony .
john j. maresca .
house committee on international relations .
I don't see why the US wants to get into Afghanistan for a long time.
America was involved during their war against the Soviets, but when the Soviets left, we left and that's where the Taliban snuck up years late and took power. Using the same resouices that we taught them while they were fighting against the Soviets, now they want to use it against us.
Ungrateful bastards, we help them free themselves from the Soviets and we leave them to sort their problems out by themselves and now they want to get us.
hey, there has been to much fighting in here, lets all go get drunk and party together!!!!!!
you know one reason ,i like to come in here, is because i have made some friends that are not jws and never have been, but when talking to them, they really dont know how i feel are what ive been through or what i gave up, because of my beliefs.
but in here i have friends who do understand how i feel, and i dont get why did you ever fall for that .
Alright, WT.
Do you want me to bring the Rum?
what do americans in general actually really know about the big outside world outside of their own culture?.
it's certainly not just me, but for years since early childhood in fact, it has been commonly accepted by many, that americans in general are the biggest ignorant fools residing almost anywhere on the planet, yet they still do their damndest to have everyone believe what a great nation they are.
is it even beyond their comprehension how foolish they look often to the rest of the world, the fact that they have so little understanding of problems on the worldwide front?.
No. I'll just bash them if they start with their things about America. I gotta admit I love French Champagne, Wines and food.