JoinedTopics Started by Enishi
My Old Watchtower Library
by Enishi ini was looking through all my old watchtower books today, and was thinking of how to get rid of them.
originally i wanted to make a nice little fire and maybe roast some marsh mellows, but then i remembered that someone on here had once mentioned that old watchtower literature goes for alot on ebay.
is this true?
Jehovah, regent of the Moon
by Enishi ini found this interesting little tidbit from on an online e-book on christian occultism.
whoo boy, imagine if the dubs could see this.
A rather annoying occurance...
by Enishi inhere i am, sitting in the college library, reading this site, when some guy walks by me, turns around and glances at my computer.
he steps back, takes a closer look at it and says "hmm, what site is that?
jehovahs witness?
Witnesses and laziness
by Enishi inis it just me, or does the dub lifestyle encourage astounding degrees of laziness?
we're expected to sit quietly at the meetings and be spoon feed repititious information without thinking for ourselves.
dubs are discouraged from making any decisions without the counsel or approval of the society.
We like the moon!
by Enishi in.
i just stumbled across this site, pretty silly stuff.
The Dark Tower
by Enishi inhas anyone else read this series?
it's by stephen king, and according to him the center peice of just about everything he's ever written.
concepts from dozens of his books come into play, and the story is superb.
Vicarious Atonement
by Enishi inan interesting site i found, it helps reveal the dehumanizing aspect of the entire idea of jesus needing to die as some sort of blood sacrifice.
by Enishi ini'm feeling depressed now.... on halloween night, we had bought some candy.
someone in my family suggested that we give it out to the trick or treaters.
i don't really have anything against the holidays anymore, and i couldn't really see anything wrong with giving out candy.
Clothed with the Sun
by Enishi inin case anyone is interested, here's an absolutely fascinating online book i found.
it explains the mystical interpretation behind the scriptures and various mythologies.
although a bit out there, there's a lot of good information.. http://www.thenazareneway.com/clothed%20with%20the%20sun/table_of_contents.htm
Well, I suppose an introduction is in order
by Enishi ini've been lurking on this site for the past two months and just now decided to post.
i was raised a witness, and got baptised only a couple years ago.
however, shortly after my baptism i started having doubts, and began to suffer from low self esteem.