I've seen all sorts here in the US. To the north, people tend to be quiter singers... the talks and speakers are smarter and their talks tend to be dry. In the south.. heavens... people sing at the top of their lungs, the black and sometimes white speakers get excited and they get preachy... during the talks, the audince will do things like say "mmmhmmm!" and shake their heads in agreement. Totatly diffrent from the north. In fact, this one in the south I go to has it's own graveyard. Story has it some of the people who wanted to join the congergation in the 70's-80's decided otherwise because the hall didn't provide a graveyard like their current church. Imagine that.
Something I also see between the two... people from the north are more reserved... but they are also genuine when you get to know them. People from the south tend to be open and fun to be with at first, but it's bad because they are not genuine, they tend to be fake. It's just something I've noticed from all of the 'friends' from the congergations I've known.