While i agree its too long and i couldnt be bothered to read it all myself, it falls into the catagory of "if it floats your boat".
Have fun with it, but i wouldnt count on it being a huge turining point in organization history :)
the tricky thing about a mass mailing to all the kingdom halls is that mail is often not delivered to the kingdom hall but to a po box.
it is super easy to get all the addresses to hundreds of kingdom halls across the country and even have those addresses printed out for you as labels!
but when i did that before i got about a third of them back.
While i agree its too long and i couldnt be bothered to read it all myself, it falls into the catagory of "if it floats your boat".
Have fun with it, but i wouldnt count on it being a huge turining point in organization history :)
my uncle passed away two years ago at the age of 83. he served as an elder from 1965 to the last day of his life.
even till the end of his life he was still reading the bible.. he was an elder for 48 years.
never missed a meeting,pioneered during the summer months ( took vacation weeks),pioneered after retiring at 65 years old, never went on real vacation, went to all summer conventions and assemblies ( traveling to new york,wisconsin, canada and california ).. he also conducted book studies, watchtower meetings, gave sunday public talks, assembly parts, elder meetings, had a weekly book study with his family,cleaned the kingdom hall, and donated money when the congregation was short money for the month.. everyone is zealous in the beginning but tire out sooner or later.
In those cases it usually is a case of what gamblers call "chasing money". When you start loosing you make bigger bigger bets to try to win your money back and it becomes a vicious cycle.
in the case of some witnesses it becomes that chase... Once they've invested decades it becomes nessary to believe more and work harder to make sure it wasnt all in vain.
the borg has left out in the cold the victims of child molesters all to save their reputation and have used the elders to do their bidding in these evil works.
they have even made changes to their policies to put more of the responsibility on the elders.
so if the lawyers of these molestation victims which normally go after the money ie the borg were to also aggressively go after these elders in these cases could this not start a ripple effect where by elders find out and start resigning en mass to protect themselves knowing the borg not going to help them?.
the borg has left out in the cold the victims of child molesters all to save their reputation and have used the elders to do their bidding in these evil works.
they have even made changes to their policies to put more of the responsibility on the elders.
so if the lawyers of these molestation victims which normally go after the money ie the borg were to also aggressively go after these elders in these cases could this not start a ripple effect where by elders find out and start resigning en mass to protect themselves knowing the borg not going to help them?.
Id also highlight the basic factors of quantiy and consequence.
There are far too many elders to effectively spook the entire herd by picking off one or two or even twenty. You would have to hurt a thousand thousand to make a sizable enough impression on the whole group and there simply are not enough cases to male that sort of impression on the elder herd as a whole.
On the other hand there are far far fewer GB members. Picking one or two of them and making them the focus of legal action could make an impression
a message brought to you by the people who have the unique true knowledge that jesus wasn't born on 12/25:.
hearts aren't even really "heart shaped"--it's just a pagan symbol and everyone wrongly believes they're shaped that way.any questions?
(this forum gets totally buggy when you use emoticons!).
@prologos- from the source of all knowlege, Wikipedia, on the origin of the modern heart shape:
"Specific suggestions include...stylized depictions of features of the human female body, such as the female's buttocks, pubic mound, or spread vulva.[7]
its there and dosent take much imagination ;)
a message brought to you by the people who have the unique true knowledge that jesus wasn't born on 12/25:.
hearts aren't even really "heart shaped"--it's just a pagan symbol and everyone wrongly believes they're shaped that way.any questions?
(this forum gets totally buggy when you use emoticons!).
even those in "the world" (tm) recognise the indecent nature of this type of apparel.
He forgot his sign:
even those in "the world" (tm) recognise the indecent nature of this type of apparel.
Cant wait till i get my next "table legs monthly" so i can run to the bathroom and masturbate!
even those in "the world" (tm) recognise the indecent nature of this type of apparel.
check it out.
literally the message is if you don't pay attention at the meetings you could die.
how insane, i feel like this must wake some people up..
"Take a look around at all the religions of the world and the utterly crazy crackpot ideas they are based on. The ability to indoctrinate is not dependent on logical arguments, it's on repetition and authority and they are being bombarded with both."
thats a fair point and perhaps im drawing conclusions that arnt warrented by comparing my experiance with what I perceive is the experiance these kids are having or will have, and my bias is skewing the expected result... However some of my thesis is based on the idea that so many of us stuck around because of the sudo logic and heavy handed indoctrination and i have expectation that, sans those tools, this group of kids wont buy in as much. I also think that the internet (and other forms of technology) will help them be more aware and educated... But again, im willing to accept that i have a bias and may not see the matter clearly :)