JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
CO letter about using time or money to help out in Napal!
by DwainBowman ini was talking to my brother this morning.
last night at his meeting, they read a letter from their co. he talked about the earthquake.
he said that if some were moved to maybe take some vacation time, and go do volunteer work in napal.
That would not be the corst time i heard i heard that logic dubbie land. In samul something or other, samul tells saul that running ahead presumptuously is the same as using uncanny power. Ive heard that applied to ignoring modern day council as well -
Lett and his instruction in KMS
by JWdaughter inok, l know i am not the first to notice or likely comment on this, but as little as i respect commenting on persons, i am going to do it now.. lett seems like a charicature.
he is so strange-i cringe when i watch him speak.its as ifhe was once given advice to speak slowly and clearly and now he just talks like a cartoon.
he creeps me out.
Steve i really appreciate what you said regarding the filter through we see and percive things and people and largely i agree.... But i thought was a rubber faced buffon when i was staunch believer. Weird is weird in this case ;) -
Lett and his instruction in KMS
by JWdaughter inok, l know i am not the first to notice or likely comment on this, but as little as i respect commenting on persons, i am going to do it now.. lett seems like a charicature.
he is so strange-i cringe when i watch him speak.its as ifhe was once given advice to speak slowly and clearly and now he just talks like a cartoon.
he creeps me out.
Even if his mother was deaf i have no more respect for how he speaks. Lett himself is not and should easily understand thats not a "normal" or standard way of communicating amongst the hearing -
Yesterday's Watchtower, Bible Comments
by freemindfade inthe whole meeting for me was nauseating yesterday... the talk was on "science".. nuff said... then the watchtower, they are just spinning in circles patting themselves on the back lately it seems, but this is one thing that really stuck out to me.. i heard the comment multiple times about how the 2013 version of nwt made things "easier to understand" "simpler" and so on.
this has been one of my main beefs with yhwh and his book.
this is supposedly the tool for mankind to all live or die based on whether or not they:.
@sowhatnow- next time your mom says 'god can preserve and protect his word", please point out to her that SHE dosent believe god can protect or preserve his word eother. After all, the watchtower bible and tract society had to restore gods name in 7,000 place! If god was protecting and preserving his word such restorations would not have nessaey, would they? -
All Seeing Eye on WBTS Video!
by Alan Forbes ini was on the jw.org website today and decided to watch a video entitled 'respect jehovah's authority'.
to my surprise approximately 3mins 25secs into the video, as the opening title began to fade, a symbol of the all seeing eye (eye of horus) appeared on the screen.
the scene was not set in egypt, but in a hebrew tent in the wilderness where praise was being sung to jehovah!!
Alan, your user name was registered 3 hours ago so i will "assume" you are new here (although i doubt it), so i will explain: we get lots of conspiracy theorists here with nonstarters about images. You wont find sympathy for that here from most... Just sayin.
Rotflmao cappy!! I wasnt going to bother posting on this thread until you posted that pic
New on here
by Tony Stark inhey so i'm new on here.
just wanted to introduce myself.
in my 20's and was rasied one, and very popular among the jw community.
What area do u call home? Maybe some here are local, Mr man -
New on here
by Tony Stark inhey so i'm new on here.
just wanted to introduce myself.
in my 20's and was rasied one, and very popular among the jw community.
Welcome iron man....er tony! -
2015 May edition of JW Broadcasting: the GB beggar
by Gorbatchov intonight gorby and his wife watched a part of the 2015 may edition of jw broadcasting.
we couldn't force our self to watch the full stuff, because of it's sneaky way of production.
first of course the dynasty melody at the start, the world map background and the car salesman mr. lett.
The credit card idea is better... Its automatic, they dont controll it. The only way to block it would be for them to have a credit card minimum set -
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
Prologs, that may be a bit of your bias showing. I dont know of any athiests who say "nyet but enjoy the works of the worker". Your mistaking ignorant wonder for appreciation. Simply because some dont understand how nature works and subsequently 'oh and ahh' over the earths processes dosent mean those that do understand dont appreciate. Its like watching a magician. Some watch say"wow how did he pull that quarter out that little kids ear!". Some watch and smile at the smooth sleight of hand and appreciate the artistry all the while understanding it wasnt actually "magic".
athiests appreciate very much the earth and the universe as a whole and its wonders. We just dont think it was magic.
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
A miricle you fine people are still beating your heads on the wall...