JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Has appointment of MS and Elder been changed?
by Simon Templar inare there any changes to the new procedure?
it seems to me that the co doesn't ask the candidate questions any longer.
they just decide who they will appoint and announce it at the next weekly meeting.
The questions about child abuse are only asked when its a person being apointed as an MS or reapointed as an elder after some time has passed. Everything sir82said is 100% correct as far the US branch is concered. If you download the new flock book its all in there -
Problems with Common Atheist Arguments
by FusionTheism inthe reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
Im not sure whats more sad... That you two have gone four pages of that nonsense or that i read it -
Problems with Common Atheist Arguments
by FusionTheism inthe reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
You tittled the thread "problems with common athiest arguments". Here is a simple one sentance answer:
They argue with you.
Problems with Common Atheist Arguments
by FusionTheism inthe reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
As FT has to do is ring his bell and people start salavating..... -
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
Wow and there it is.... He lied in spirit if not in actual fact -
Who or What is the Holy Spirit?
by FusionTheism intradition within christianity has long been that any time the phrases holy spirit, holy ghost, or spirit of godare used in the bible (especially in the new testament), it always refers to the mysterious third divine person of the trinity, who is fully god, co-equal to the father and son, yet somehow distinct.. i want to present a simplified alternative view: let the context determine the meaning!.
(one thing to keep in mind is that the meaning of the bible words used for spirit basically is unseen force or invisible presence.).
the holy spirit as the mind and personality of god.
Thor is refered to affectionately by us as the "The Thunderer" because, as even his primitive scandinavian followers understood, thunder is caused by lightning. We also figure calling him "The lightninger" sounds stupid -
Who or What is the Holy Spirit?
by FusionTheism intradition within christianity has long been that any time the phrases holy spirit, holy ghost, or spirit of godare used in the bible (especially in the new testament), it always refers to the mysterious third divine person of the trinity, who is fully god, co-equal to the father and son, yet somehow distinct.. i want to present a simplified alternative view: let the context determine the meaning!.
(one thing to keep in mind is that the meaning of the bible words used for spirit basically is unseen force or invisible presence.).
the holy spirit as the mind and personality of god.
Holy Spirit is christain vodoo. Its magic.
Thor on the hand has LIGHTNING!! You can see it. You can smell it. You can hear it. It will actually kill you, unlike the puny desert god juju
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
But thats where your confusing things legally. Hes not in anyway responsible for whats primted in the wt rags legally the wtb&s society is responsible and its coporate offiers who are not on the gb. Practically all witness know this bullhockey but legally its fact -
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
He is actually NOT responsible for wt policies. Hes responsible for the religious policies of jehocahs witness. its so manipulative and devious underhanded and crooked..... But average witness dont know or care. Its just not relevant. -
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
Its an interesting turn of phrase, "not in subjection to the watchtower corporation". If in fact thats what he said then he was being truthful. Recall some years ago the GB SPECIFICALLY seperated themselves from the WT corporation. Thats why the head of the wtb&s is no longer automatically the head of the GB as was the case in the old days. In fact the corporate officers of the wtb&s are not on the GB at all. Functionally every wotness knows the gb is in charge but legally they are disconnected nobodys. Using ceasers laws to their advantage.