Everything about this book and the motives behind it is bitter and vengeful. It doesn't have any credibity at all.
Ease up on that, exelder. I read every excerpt newboy posted and, as someone who was at bethel, i can tell you 100% his book has crediblity. I know some of the people he mentions many years afterwards) and the experiences he shares are dead on accurate with my own.
As for his motives, you cant speak to that anymore than he can speak to someones reasons for taking their own life. Read the portions he shared on the board. They are a good read and dont accross bitter or vengeful in the least. Its an honest account of a bethelites life. For what its worth, i agree whole heartedly using the names of people who committed suicide is a bad bad idea, but that dosent change my opinion of the book.
Also x2 everything sparky said. Well stated.