JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Last nights meeting...
by DATA-DOG ini know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
I agree CoH, but the df'ings later are what this is all about. Anyone df'd will be a threat to others and the df'd one will long to get back to the love of the congregation. And the younger they get dunked the more emotionally invested they are. I hate it, but thats why they are pushing it. -
Last nights meeting...
by DATA-DOG ini know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
Okay I'm sorry to have to do this but I have to splash some cold water on this discussion.
I sucked it up and watched the video with the child baptism. It was a song entitled beloved son.there was some animation around the song. It is playing me for young children to see however the child being baptized is not Caleb and he is not 10 years old. After watching it he is likely supposed to be a teenager perhaps 13 or 14.I agree that this is still too young however it is NOT caleb.
Again I am not a watch tower apologist by any means however I do feel it is critical that we call them on things that are legitimate. Otherwise we undermine our efforts to call attention to things that are truly a problem. -
Last nights meeting...
by DATA-DOG ini know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
Damn it.... Im going to have to watch to see who it is. If it is indeed caleb that is a signifigant thing to show. -
Last nights meeting...
by DATA-DOG ini know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
Wait a second... Since i stepped down as an elder a few more months ago i have managed to "miss" the a number of meetings, including this weeks service meeting, so maybe im a little behind here but did you say caleb from the caleb and sophia series of animated cartoons is depicted as being baptised? Please tell me this isnt true. Please tell me this is some apostate overreaction to something... Please tell me caleb is depicted as imagining his baptisum in the future. Please please please tell me this isnt true.... -
Jehovah's Witnesses requesting financial transparency in Spain
by JHK intwo jehovah's witnesses requesting financial transparency in spain branch.
one picture in the assembly hall and another on the bridge.. .
Let me first say I applaud the basic premise: financial transparency from the WT. I think it would absolutly stun average dubbies.
That said, the initial tittle of this post is misleading. When i read "jehovahs witnesses Requesting fincial transparency" the impression is that a large group of witness is pushing for such. While the number two does technically merit a plural form of discussion it hardly represents any noteworthy movement of jehovahs witnesses in Spain, or in any other country for that matter.
Then there is the manner of the request. A request for fincial transparency is usually associated with legal documents and formal requests. The answer to such would be either a written refusal with some perfunctory explanation or documents laying out the fincial records of the institution petitioned to provided such. This is two masked people with a bed sheet in front of a kingdom hall, at night, with no one else around to see or actually make a formal reply. Assuming there is a camera person and its not simply on A tripod we have a grand total of three people taking a picture in front of a kingdom hall at night.
Then there is the matter of them being masked. Official requests for transparncy, by their nature, have names of people and organizations attached to them. This is important because there has to be some basis for the request. Often it would share holders of a corporation or even the government making such a request but at times other outside interested parties may attempt to get fincial records... However they have to show cause. Thus names are important. Given that the two visiable persons in the first picture are masked we cannot identify them and confirm that they are indeed members of the organization of Jehovahs Witnesses, which would give them some standing to be interested in that organizations fincial transparency.
For these reasons, I submit that two masked people holding a bed sheet at night in front of an unoccupied kingdom hall in some undisclosed spanish speaking place does not actually fit the discription proposed in the tittle of this thread.
And just in case i dont you see you later, good afternoon good evening and goodnight -
GB says, "Our way of worship will soon be altered."
by Separation of Powers inmy mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
The problem with a web based version is that theres no money and no control in it. -
Can the Redwoods Date the Flood?
by Seven inscience, biblical and anti-biblical, recognizes that there was a period of time in the distant past when the earth was barren.
how long ago and how long it lasted is a matter of conjecture...unless one accepts the biblical record.
but out in california, almost as far west as one can go, there stand beautiful monuments to the past-the redwoods: monuments that were seedlings when noah was laid to rest; saplings when the tower of babylon was deserted; stalwart young giants when david downed his giant.
Great links and information on the bristlecone pines. As a side note/line of reasoning, its not entirely logical to suggest "oh there are no redwoods older than the flood ergo the flood happened". One would also need to reason on how they restablished after the flood. A catrophy of that magnitude , covering the globe for a year, would have killed any viable seedstock, being soaked that long with no sun light. If you want to play the half assed logic card at least play it all the way through. -
So, dead members of the 144,000 help direct the preaching work from beyond the grave?
by Zoos indid i understand that right?
was that a claim rutherford made?.
i don't suppose anyone has that quote..
Although i dont have a specific quote to support that the premise is implied in dubbie doctrine. When a member of the 144,000 dies they are, in this the lords day, resurected immediatly to heavenly life. Once resurected they are said to sit at jesus right hand. Since he is directing the work they are assisting him and thus directing from beyond the grave... -
Some Old NuLite
by Coded Logic inthe truthtm about generations.. .
"the length of time is indicated by him when he said, "truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
" (matt.
Great quotes!