All i can do is echo what others have already said, but i will add my own insignificant opinion: in this call, TM3 ends up looking better than cedars. He laughs at the rediculious premise cedars throws at him, asks him who he really is and what he wants and then hangs up when it goes nowhere.
Where i will echo others is in pointing out that this jack wagon HAD A GOVERNING BODY MEMBER ON THE PHONE!!!!! The best you can come up with is a stupid remark about tight pants??? Or what if we find tight pants on you??? (Tm3 response was a classic slap down: "then you must have shrunk them" remember, cedars claimed to work in the laundry) Moron. He absolutely wasted a golden oportunity on sophomoric antics.
Question him on disfellowshipping, child molestion, hell question him on the rediculious generation teaching ANYTHING of substance, but please have the intelligance and foresight to not waste this ON TIGHT PANTS!!!!
this ranks number two on the top ten list of "stupid things cedars does to set back the exjw movement".