JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
New Portuguese rendering of John 8:58 in Revised Edition NWT
by Wonderment inprevious rendering of john 8:58: jesus ldisse-hes : digo-vos em toda a verdade: antes de abraao vir a existencia, eu tenho sido.. new rendering: jesus lhes disse: digo-lhes com toda a certeza: antes de abraao vir a existencia, eu ja existia.. i am calling attention to the words in bold letters.
the previous rendering: "i have been.
the new reading: "i already existed.
I am really sorry but i am barely qualified to speak and comment on english. Anything i say regarding the translation in portugese would be uninformed and pointless. However, I will take a peek at the english, new and old, and see if i can offer something -
NFL player quits career to become an idiot
by Captain Schmideo2 inhttp://www.jwleather.com/news/jason-worilds-quits-nfl-to-knock-on-doors-as-a-jehovahs-witness.
jason worilds quits nfl to knock on doors as a jehovahs witness.. 3/19/2015.
I take exception to the tittle of this thread. If he was both a dubbie and Pittsburgh steeler than he was already an idiot, he did not just become one. -
Leaked New Songs 139-142
by toweragent inhttp://jwtalk.net/forums/files/download/498-songs-140-142/.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
Hell if i "have" i sing it either. I stand there silent all the time. I stopped carinf if people stare -
Shutting down the Judicial Committee "invite".
by kairos injudicial committee invitation comes, with be there or be square consequences.. ( come or we will df you ).
what are the sure fire, tested and true tactics that will keep the elders off your back?
( for good ).
Doc and dozy are 100% correct. There is no sure fire way out of it once the committee is formed. Locally a young man threatned suicide. I had no reason to believe he was faking it since he is still a witness even now. The chairman and I called the branch. We were directed to legal. They asked a few questions and ended with "we have no objection to the committee proceeding". Direct quote. I have it written down.
As for the recording aspect, i never had anyone specifically ask to record but we would have declined. If they insisted we simply would not have meet with them and taken their refusal to meet without recording it as evida ce that they wernt of right heart condition and DF'd them.
I would give anything a shot, theres no harm, but dont hold any great hope on it. The best answer is to not admit anything that would get you in front of one if that is important to you.
Deplorable Website Promotion
by HBH inmy siblings mother in law died recently, and there was a condolence posted with the borg website.
i googled the name of the poster, and found the same condolence on 100s of funeral home websites!!!
many of these sites dont have mods or a way to report a website promotion.
@steve, i agree ots the story of christianity in a broad sense, amd other religions as well. Its the cult aspect that chaps my ass on this issue. For example, after my grandfather died, there were pmenty of coworkers who put an arm around me and said 'morpheus, hes in a better place' or 'hes looking down on you' etc etc. these are, in a round about way, proselytizing type remarks. They are promoting that persons brand of religious belief.
it didnt bother me because it was offered personally and with no expressed or implied expectation that i would accept their world view on it. It was simply their way of cooping with loss and they shared it by way of condolance to me, free of obligation as it were. (For the record i wasnt distraught or falling apart, he was ill and we knew it was comming).
Whats so agrivating is the lack of any real care or compassion. The dubbies are simply capitalizing on a persons potential grief as way to introduce the cult. They dont actually care one wit about you or emotional state, its just an oportunity.
Leaked New Songs 139-142
by toweragent inhttp://jwtalk.net/forums/files/download/498-songs-140-142/.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
The more i look at it, this would piss me off if i were still a dedicated dubbie... I wasted a few min looking at the words and they should apply to ALL witnesses, not just piosneers. How dare they glorify 70 hours a month over 69. What a fraud! All about the tittle of pioneer and they arnt even hiding it.... -
Deplorable Website Promotion
by HBH inmy siblings mother in law died recently, and there was a condolence posted with the borg website.
i googled the name of the poster, and found the same condolence on 100s of funeral home websites!!!
many of these sites dont have mods or a way to report a website promotion.
I agree with and appreciate your anger. I also hate it when they preach to people at cemeterys and the like. When my grandfather died (who was a witness) i received a letter in the mail. It was from a random witness who saw the obit and wrote me. I was a believer at the time and still found it tacky. What makes it even more crappy on their part is there no human feeling to it. They are seeking out people who emotionally distraught and directing them to the cult simply to count service time. They wouldnt spend two minutes talking to you personally. Just drive by and throw a tract or a web site referance at you... So pointless and rude. -
Leaked New Songs 139-142
by toweragent inhttp://jwtalk.net/forums/files/download/498-songs-140-142/.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
i thought it was a parody too..
Leaked New Songs 139-142
by toweragent inhttp://jwtalk.net/forums/files/download/498-songs-140-142/.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
Lol wtwizard.. The sad part is some of the pompous prayers would outlast stairway -
30 fricken minutes for a part about "Meetings for field service" !!!! Seriously??
by stuckinarut2 in30 minutes and a km article of 13 paragraphs to consider how the field service group should be 5 mins brief!.
how ironic!.
(find this in the kingdum misery for march).
Indeed i didnt miss the irony.... A 30 min part on conducting a 5 min meeting. Typical corporate operations.