JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Jury Service in the UK
by Nambo ini had always thought the powers that be knew i was a jw and so never called me up for jury service.. today however, i received a summons for jury service.. what is the jw's position on jury service?, what will happen to me when i refuse to swear an oath?.
Just out of curiosity since you dont know the jw position on jury service why do you assume its wrong to swear an oath...? -
Having Faith in the Bible
by william draper ini know many on here have lost faith in the bible , is it possible that is because ones do not have the right perspective regarding it .
we have usually been taught by bad teachers , or ignorant .
i believe if we take an honest look at the bible , we will see that it gives us the best answers to crucial matters , it gives us some amount of bearings ( understanding ) , which without having such knowledge we would all be more like walking zombies in amanner of speaking , we would be lacking hope in something better , for surely something better is to come , how can we be sure , .
William, you are twisting 7 ways to sunday on that interpretation. Lets really quote it and see what it says:
“If, however, the man happened to meet the engaged girl in the field and the man overpowered her and lay down with her, the man who lay down with her is to die by himself, 26 and you must do nothing to the girl. The girl has not committed a sin deserving of death. This case is the same as when a man attacks his fellow man and murders him. 27 For he happened to meet her in the field, and the engaged girl screamed, but there was no one to rescue her. 28 “If a man happens to meet a virgin girl who is not engaged and he seizes her and lies down with her and they are discovered, 29 the man who lay down with her must give the girl’s father 50 silver shekels, and she will become his wife. Because he humiliated her, he will not be allowed to divorce her as long as he lives.
the emphisis was on whether or not she was engaged, that is belonging to another man already. Nowhere at all do i see or read anything regarding maybe she was horney and wanted him and it was consentual.... It was presented as rape. He laid down with her but it wasnt all bad because she didnt belong to anyone anyway. He just had to marry her because no one else would now anyway.
You cant. My wife made the same promise and has broken it. -
You are powerless. I m not trying to depress you but its truth. You can only show someone the path. You cannot make them walk it. Accepting what is and your limitations in forcing her to see or do things as you do is critical to happines. You will only lead yourself and her to misery trying to make her see things as you do. Present the truth, keep your view on it but respect her ultimate right to choose. -
Conn. Firefighter Who Is Jehovah's Witness Files Federal Discrimination Lawsuit
by Bangalore inconn. firefighter who is jehovah's witness files federal discrimination lawsuit.
Respectfully, nobody should be forced to salute the flag or partcipate in ceremonys they find objectionable. In our country thats what people and fought and died for, that very freedom of choice. and before he gets bashed too hard lets not overlook the fact that he is indeed a firefighter. He risks his life in public service for a comparatively modest salary. I am a utility worker and make far more than a firefighter in my locality. Its not a nessaey job function to raise a flag in order to fight a fire. As OTWO noted, let him perform some other task if he has a religious objection. I dont agree with this firefighters view but i certainly respect right to have it and keep his job. -
Eden, i cannot press the "like" button when someone says they want to die. Ive learned through others mistakes that its not always hyperbole or 'just an expression'. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Dont ever waste something so precious as YOUR life. Dont ever hurt those that love you in such final, drastic way.
I have been and still am in a similar situation. I spent three years playing tug of war with my wifes cult feelings. I tried and tried. I would get her outside interests to help ease her away and distract her. I would drop nuggets of truth about the truth. I would do everything i could to make our family more appealing than the cult. In the end its what she knows and it takes its toll. I havnt ever been able to make permanent progress and frankly its gotten worse. The return to the cult is like going back to a drug. Shes more addicted everytime she gets sucked back in.
While we all want to believe that every jw is brainwashed and would wake up if they were presented with just the right aspect of TTATT, the real truth is: its also a choice. Some people LIKE the cult. some people WANT the cult and we simply cannot force them to see it our way. Accepting that is just as much truth as learning that the org isnt gods representative on earth.
I feel your pain, in my own way, i live your pain, in my own way. nobodys life is without regret and sorrow. Dont ever give in to it. You have the power to make choices and live happy despite whatever obstacles there may be. Choose to keep fighting for her or choose to let her be a jw bit whatever choice you make i hope its to choose to keep living!
New Avatar
by mrquik ini can't help but think how many committee meetings this photo would have generated.
this is on the caribbean side of cozumel at a quaint bar called mezcalito's.
this side of the island is virtually deserted.
I will take his word for it ;) -
Just sent a letter...at 1am, after drinking a lot of Scotch
by tresdecu insent to the production company that made 'going clear' (documentary about scientology).
edit: i sent an email...not an actual letter.
dear mr gibney,.
Very nicely written and expressed -
Candace Conti - Consequence for Elders
by The Searcher inbodies of elders around the world will soon (tm) receive a nicely worded letter from the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses, telling them that local elders are now responsible for ensuring that no perverts are allowed to be alone with any children on any kind of witness business, otherwise, the boe will be accountable to the courts - not the org!.
however, if the elders are aware that bro.
& sister oblivious sometimes ask bro.
I understand that your main point was to highlight that nothing will change with regard to informing the congregation of a child rapiest in their midst, and i agree that will not change, but i also dont think there will be a letter informing elders of their personal responsibility or to avoid putting a pedophile with child for any sort of congregation buissnes. The reality is that policy already exsists and they wouldnt want to scare elders into not serving by highlighting potential legal ramifications. They also will take into account that the secretary in the condi case didnt follow their directions by infoming the next congreation that he was pedo. As sad as it is this case alone wont prompt changes in the ivory tower but her win prompts others to come forward then the repition and contiuned bad pub may get through to them -
Me and the bible don't see eye to eye
by bobld inmatt 7:13 in the past 2000 years billions of people took the broad and spacious road to destruction.john 5;29 however,they will be resurrected.why!
would you retrieve a rotten apple from the trash.. james 1;15 desire-paraphased leads to sin and death.a married man desires and has sex with a woman.you could say he screwed himself to death.on the other hand a man with pure thoughts would not think of such a thing.he's going to die anyways.bummer.. james 1:17 a perfect gift from above.my ass,drought in california and snow to high heaven in boston.. one more james 1;22 become doers of the word (per john 1;14 the word is j.c.) how am i suppose to do something with the word that is somewhere in space.
Lol the more you look into it the deeper the rabbit hole goes ;)
edited to add:
heres a link from a topic a few months ago. It shares a humorous video highlighting more flawed bible logic