And that is certainly true. Experiance is a harsh instructor. I tend to hope that on any topic we can have an inteligent even if impassioned discusion. It may not change any minds today but perhaps one or both sides of a discussion will consider it in the long run.
I normally dont get involved in these deabtes on the board for that very reason but this one, because it is indeed where i live, is personal.
i get it. I dont take annomious internet insults personally. Some people like being keyboard commandos, but If you cant formulate an argument for your POV and devolve into irrational insults and foolish 'i hope you die' drivel then maybe a discussion bord isnt for that person. i should have reworded my response and refrained from addressing him as a fool personally and for that i appoligize, however i stand by the idea that addressing the situtaion with authority from a distance is foolish.
I also appreciate simon trying to restore and keep decorum and i will do my part to keep it within bounds.