to Jurassic Park!
Perry is only 25 years behind on this
i reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
to Jurassic Park!
Perry is only 25 years behind on this
i think most on here will be familiar with the caller hook up system that many congregations use.
visit about 2 months ago.
during our servant and elders meeting he was talking up the importance of meeting attendance and how we "gods spirit appointed men" must take the lead on making every meeting.
asked a friend of mine this question the other day.
here was his answer: "well, because paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'".
but seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!
asked a friend of mine this question the other day.
here was his answer: "well, because paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'".
but seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!
asked a friend of mine this question the other day.
here was his answer: "well, because paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'".
but seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!
there's something that i've always wondered about yet could never truly understand.
does anyone know why during district assemblies a prayer is done during the last day after coming back from lunch?.
i can't quite remember if it's done other days but i believe this is done on the last day.
after todays watchtower lesson, and the lessons coming, something tells me bigger and bigger new understandings are coming.
and that it will culminate with 1914. notice how jesus is now coming, and no longer already here.
the current understanding is both, he is here and hes also coming.
i reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
so as i am "listening" to the wt study going on this question was asked.
"how do you feel about refined understanding?".
some of the comments were:.
looks like two "new" publications are available on their website.
i put "new" in quotation marks because these appear to simply be the introduction in their rnwt in one and the appendices, maps, charts, etc.
publications named "an introduction to god's word" and "a study guide for god's word".