To go alomg with many others comments: since when did the desert god get in the habbit of allowing demons to attack people in his house? Really? And why at that moment? In the hall. In front of a group of elders? Its silly. Having a seizure isnt though. I witnessed someone acting cery similar to what you described, thrashing and falling down etc etc... And ended up foaming at the mouth paralized. If i was a bronze age goat herder or a religious idiot i may have mistaken that for demon possesion and prayed for them or perhaps chanted incantations from a so called holy book at them.. Instead i called an ambulance.
the floating deer head.... Sigh.... What about deer heads would make them prone demon possession? Was that deer a devil worshipper when alive? It pointless and silly. Whats far more likely is that the husband had a night terror and when he was able to move he woke his wife and acted as you described. He believes it and either the wife believes it because he does or she knows it isnt true and dosent want to embarrass him and refuses to talk about it