Like was saying the Baron d'Holbach
"Every religion is only a system build to reconcile inconsistencies with the help of mysteries"
so, i left about 5 years ago and at that time, the official ruling on number of members was a little over 6 million.
i google jw out of boredom the other day and find they are now claiming 8 million members.
sooooo.... hold on 2 million increase in 5 years?
hi all,i left the org in the late 90s.
not because of beliefs or the 1914/generation fiasco.
just thoughtlessness, hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.
Hello bitsnbob.
You are totally right!
Bible isn't the word of God, but it's a wonderful piece of human litterature. In fact, I find the texts a lot of time more interristing since I deleted all the fairy and sacred view on it, I was taught by JW since baby!
And especially, i'm interrested in all kind of mythology and ancient history. Paradoxally that's too come from my robot-jw parents. Because my father was interrested by the egyptian civilisation.
And one of the best book I never read about how the bible is "born" is this one : The Bible unearthed by Israel Finkelstein.
because of the may broadcast about how funds are down, our elders have been in their talks "encouraging" or pressuring everyone to donate more to the world wide work.. it freaks me out how we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month).
heck, our local congregation bank account even got below $500 for the first time this past may since i have been doing the accounts(4 years now).
for june, we raised a whopping $2400 to send into the branch.. the most amazing part, is that only a select few contribute on a regular basis every month.
child murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
an elder in my congo gave a talk.
he was always interesting to listen to and one of the nice guys.
(the nice elders are always targets of the bully elders, no?).
this phrase i heard again at the weekend when a diehard dub was discussing his non believing, but much loved son.
"it is just that..... [insert any excuse here].
it is something that they all say about us, yet nothing could be further from the truth.
child murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
I do not understand why people care about others' sexual preferences
I'm pretty sure you know
The main reason is, I think, that when someone accept other way of sexuality, other way of gender feelings and the fact that sexuality and gender are fluid, it tends to stop to consider that his way of living his sexuality and his feelings about gender is a standard or a norm.
And a lot of people, especially religious, can't accept that fact! They consider their are normal, in conformity. At the image of God (who is not heterosexual for one penny, anyway, but, they are to narrow-minded to understand that)
i think one of the more evil trick of the wtbts is their manicheism!.
on a large bunch of subjects, they wants the fellow followers to believe that in a given situation, it is only possible to take two choice, of course, diametrically opposite.
and of course, you have the good choice and the bad choice.. of course, nothing is more wrong than that!
i think one of the more evil trick of the wtbts is their manicheism!.
on a large bunch of subjects, they wants the fellow followers to believe that in a given situation, it is only possible to take two choice, of course, diametrically opposite.
and of course, you have the good choice and the bad choice.. of course, nothing is more wrong than that!
I think one of the more evil trick of the WTBTS is their manicheism!
On a large bunch of subjects, they wants the fellow followers to believe that in a given situation, it is only possible to take two choice, of course, diametrically opposite. And of course, you have the good choice and the bad choice.
Of course, nothing is more wrong than that!
child murder, sodomy & corrupting the human genome are not new sins, they are old ones.
what is new is their institutionalization.
but even that isn't totally new.
Fink, I wouldn't say its a genetic defect, but a genetic variance. Like blue eyes.
Which brings me to a question, have they found the 'gay' gene? I don't recall a news story about this, but it seems probable they will if they haven't already.
No! Studies tends to prove that's nothing to see with genetic .
You doesn't have a "gay" gene. You doesn't have an "hetero" gene neither!