the Illuminati.
What I like a lot in the Illuminati, it's they are very usefull to detect the Brainwashed-People-Thinking-They-Are-Free-Mind...
in the beginning of internet the society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood.
so, i wonder how many people lost the society on account of forums and web sites like this.
the Illuminati.
What I like a lot in the Illuminati, it's they are very usefull to detect the Brainwashed-People-Thinking-They-Are-Free-Mind...
just got back from the wt study and it overall was just so blindingly biased and leading.. i had to read it from the platform too, i hope they couldn't see the confounded look on my face as i read this craziness out!.
first we consider the faith of abel, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac and jacob, and moses.. all of these people are held up as sterling examples of blind faith, with the article pointedly saying that their imaginations sustained their faith in gods promises for them.
no mention anywhere at all that all of these characters saw and talked to angels, spoke to god himself, saw and performed miracles, or any of the other feats experienced by these characters.
So brothers, don't worry about what you believe! Just make sure you believe!
I think you have the point.
Great summary of WTBTS "thinking".
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
I'm happy you took the best decision :)
just got back from the wt study and it overall was just so blindingly biased and leading.. i had to read it from the platform too, i hope they couldn't see the confounded look on my face as i read this craziness out!.
first we consider the faith of abel, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac and jacob, and moses.. all of these people are held up as sterling examples of blind faith, with the article pointedly saying that their imaginations sustained their faith in gods promises for them.
no mention anywhere at all that all of these characters saw and talked to angels, spoke to god himself, saw and performed miracles, or any of the other feats experienced by these characters.
i can't believe they had the cheek to come out with that explanation.. it's no more "new light" it's "new scam"!!
Vidiot - Actually, a compelling argument could be made that they know it's wrong and believe it's true at the same time...
How schizophrenic! :D
special assembly was attended by 30,000 and 173 was baptized.. see video-footage given by english language belgian web site.. (interestingly, the press spokesman was a sister)..
The increase here in the USA come from immigrants.
Here, all the JWs I saw was blacks or old. Not a single young white JW. Ah yes perhaps one time. But clearly a born-in!
according to leading astronomers the probe philae that landed on the comet 67p last november may have discovered microbial life..... sadly neither the probe nor the orbiter rosetta are equipped to test directly but the evidence is interesting.
these are not easily explained in terms of prebiotic chemistry.
the dark material is being constantly replenished as it is boiled off by heat from the sun.
The human are not in the exact center of the universe, that everybody (ie creationnists) know was built for the enjoyement of us?
I make you remember than 4 years ago, when some banks made mess, "we" found 2 000 billions dollars in few days to save them...
Now, for a country who made mess, that is to say human people, they don't find 50 little billions dollars?
what we can read in the wt 10/15/2015... they have really no shame!.
And the title of article, I didn't notice first, is a master-piece too!
the past five weeks have been perhaps the most painful in my life as a witness.. some months ago a young man (i'd say in his late thirties or early forties) began attending meetings at my kingdom hall.
he had just moved to my area from another state.
he had disassociated himself from his home congregation many years back, when he was 20 years old and going through many of the typical trials and temptations most young men experience.. two of the elders met with him initially, and they later shared the details with the body of elders.
One of the very best ways to leave is to move out of the area, preferably out of the circuit and district.
If not the best... When it's possible of course!
It's exactly the one I used to fade away. To find a Job in Paris, far from the congregation of my parents and far from the congregation of my university!
Never seen an elder since I faded!