The same view as I have for Mickey Mouse : An human intellectuel invention that everybody know. Except nobody kills in the name of Mickey Mouse!
How about homosexuality?
Homosexuality is a state, not a choice!
are you now on facebook supporting them with a rainbow covered image?
No, i'm not concerned! But I find normal that concerned people can do it!
Did you change your image to the flag of the french when that one was available too?
Yes, especially, I'm french!
What is your views on Gay marriage?
That it's a state affair, not a religious one. Nobody ask you to marry a guy.
recently a black kid was killed for having a toy gun in a park
He was killed first because he was black, not because of the toy. The same toy in the hand of a white boy won't lead to the same result.
No need of JWs to understand that playing with gun is not a good idea, nor God.
What are you basing your moral grounds on ?
At least not on the interpretation that have 7 old white cisgender american men about the Bible.
can a boyfriend sleep the night?
If your daughter comes up pregnant
No risk, because, she will be aware of the risks.
So why be one that thinks it is?
I don't think it's bad!
Your son wants to join the armed forces. Do you let him?
Yes. He's free! Even if I disagree with his choice. Not for religious reason, but political ones.
he wants to "serve his country" by killing muslims who havent done anything to us.
I will be disappointed he didn't take in consideration what I explained to him, and choose the road of hate. But he made his choice.
And put out the american flag like youre neighbors
I will put more the french flag. What's the problem with that?
You will be hard pressed to find a christian faith that isnt backing those things
No, no, almost all christian things as fucked up as well..
So...why should YOU shun them?
I will never shun my children... JWS does..