Grags before going to far into your studies with jw's look up This particular organization is a captive one. My grandparents became witnesses almost a century ago. I decided to leave a year ago after I almost lost my son because of the jw blood doctrine.
I now am starting over at 40 having lost all my family and friends because I chose not to enslave my children to this high control group. There shunning policies are similar to the scientologists, and amish. Please do your research before committing yourself.
The people you are studying with will likely tell you that people here are a bunch of malcontent complainers. Not to listen to what is said here or other non pre-approved sources. Yet ask yourself how much research you put into buying an appliance or choosing a restaurant to eat at. Truth has nothing to fear from the light of criticism/clear thinking. If something is a lie it will not hold up.