Posts by azor
The borrowed magic of the memorial
by Half banana inmyth comes from myth and ritual comes from ritual.
myth and ritual are borrowed in the way fire is borrowed to light another flame.
john 6:53 says that whoever does not eat (jesus) body and drink his blood will have no life in him.
Thank you for this information. Please share your sources. I would like to research this in greater detail. -
Now that is is some sick s*^t!
by OneFingerSalute inso the bible reading talks about some "good" appointed man who valued the office more than his wife and turned her over to the crowd to be repeatedly raped until she died.. then the sick hoser dismembers her and sends the body parts around the nation.
later the "faithful" jews from eleven tribes go up to do battle with the one "bad" tribe at god's okay and suffers defeat...twice!
finally the third time god lets them win.. wt says that we have to realize that women were expendable in those days.
They offer them up GB/Molech on the alter of no blood transfusion. What a sick sick cult. -
ApostateChick Strikes again "Jehovah's Witnesses--Why The @#$% Are You Here? "
by Watchtower-Free infyi just saw her latest youtube vid.
@ watchtower-free. I can't open the video it states that it's private.
Make A Wish Trip to JW.ORG
by konceptual99 ina sick little girl goes to ny to meet caleb and sophia for her make a wish trip..
i don't want to make too much comment as there is an innocent and poorly young girl at the heart of this but i do have to wonder what the purpose of the parents courting the media's attention over this really was..
I'm very conflicted with this one. The media which jw's condemn in a heartbeat were as usual very sweet. The parents are living in a unique hell my family knows all to well having a young child battling leukemia. I feel for them when it comes to that.
Make a wish is an amazing organization. One that jw's would not contribute to because it is a rice Christian thing according to them. As an example I have volunteered for a Ronald McDonald 5K walk and sent sponsorship requests to various people. Workmates, vendors, customers, family, and an elder that I served with. The only group that has not contributed are the witness family and so called friends.
My son is 7 and still as is obvious to those not in a cult heavily influenced by my wife and me. We are applying for a Disney Cruise next year. He and my daughter deserve it after the trauma of the last 3 years.
Poor girl having this terrible condition and then the unfortunate circumstance of being born in this cult. No fun for her. Just indoctrination and product placement using her condition.
The parents only think in terms of their false god. They no doubt have had many sleepless nights as my wife and I have. This organization is using her. No doubt you will see this soon in one if their monthly gb broadcasting indoctrination sessions. Can't you see it now if this family has a child with this condition and uses their wish to go to bethel what's stopping you!!! This is disgusting. The congregation could have taken care of this at a minimal cost and they could have really done something fun for her and them with make a wish Foundation.
Yeah let's take our sick kid to a factory that makes books!!! It is truly disgusting what this cult does. Sometimes I wish there was a hell. Especially for the people at the top that propagate this bs. Any real leader that had a heart and heard of this would pay for a special trip for this child anywhere that was really fun. But they won't because this is the loyalty they are looking for. Tomos talk has really driven the point home.
If anyone on here knows this family please pm me. I would like to see if I can generate something for this sweet little girl that is just fun for her.
REASON demands belief in God
by abiather init has been the history of mankind that they proceed from the crude to the subtle in all spheres of life: they seek the subtle amidst the crude, and in the subtle, they seek the subtlest.
when hunger is extinguished, humans looked for art.
ancient humans appreciated the harmony of music; they also liked to dance in joy.
I'm fairly new here and I'm glad abiather posts the information that she does. It makes for interesting debate.
It seems to be respectful and at the same time the posts that are generated are very enlightening. I for one believe that reason will prevail and it seems to on this site. It is quite a lot of fresh air in comparison to the cult we came from.
I personally think DJS' post is the most reasoned so far on this subject. I am also very glad to read and participate in these debates as I believe through discussion and debate we grow. I can certainly say that for myself.
Rhetoric seems to be a lost art in this modern age where people want agreement over discomfort. Growth imho only comes from discomfort. I love the concept of disagreement without being disagreeable.
Are we going to see a mass awakening?
by kairos inthe internet is the archive for civilization.. watchtower cannot hide it's history.. are we seeing the beginning of a mass exodus out of her?.
@ crazyguy. I would love for him to say that to me. I would punch him in the face with the court order that saved my son's life. My wife was also saved by one before we met. She was unconscious from a major car accident. You know what she got from her shepherds while she was fighting for her life was an exploratory judicial committee and then no other visits for over a year. So 2 out of 4 in my immediate family. Wait you can add my daughter to that because she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my wife's blood transfusion. Where were you before my son got sick. I only wish someone like you had the guts to bring to my attention what you did to that elder. Kudos to you crazyguy.
I stepped aside last month when I realized TTATT. I have much to repent for as an ex jw and elder.
Sister in congregation diagnosed w/AML Leukemia. I'm so mad right now.
by azor ini just need to vent.
i want to scream from the rooftops right now.
life is hard enough when you battle blood cancer but is an unnecessary evil put upon good people by this evil cult.
Thank you all for your ears and your encouragement. I wish that we could just wish upon a star to make all this crap go away.
My wife is there now as I am home with our young children while she is there doing what she can to help her. I can be a little hot headed at times especially now recently learning TTATT. I know she is better than I at helping with situations like this due to her own unfortunate experiences. She is very familiar with the medical community and speaks their language. She is very balanced in her help as she will try to help our dear friend get the traditional treatment she needs along with hollistic medicine to offset the side effects. I know this is one of the reasons our son is doing so well despite having leukemia himself and receiving captain chemo as it is referred to for his understanding.
LDC Semininar
by Sour Grapes inldc semininar @ patterson nov 15-18, 2014 .
entire ldc dept included remote workers/design/legal/real estate/purchasing.
Sour grapes. Thank you for the post. I suppose this is representative of their being discrete! Their presumptuousness is palpable Prov. 11:2-" When presumptuousness comes, dishonor will follow, But wisdom is with the modest ones."
It is amazing how openly they speak of their branding or franchising and yet it is Jehovahs doing. Wow just wow!
As you posted "We are one of the largest property development corporations in the world – we own over 80,000 properties – this is all managed by volunteers" and they say it is free. The audacity of these people. My time and all of these peoples time is worth far more than money. And they continue to demand more. Damn your own life to the MASTERS of this lie.
Sister in congregation diagnosed w/AML Leukemia. I'm so mad right now.
by azor ini just need to vent.
i want to scream from the rooftops right now.
life is hard enough when you battle blood cancer but is an unnecessary evil put upon good people by this evil cult.
HLC - Hospital Liaison Committee
ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
AML - Acute Myelomic Leukemia