Posts by azor
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
At this point who cares. Eden one has left the building. This trivial going back and forth nonsense. Can we get back on topic. Respect of belief of others. Or is this the Damm Viv and Eden show. -
Eden I disagree with you more than I agree and yet I value your contribution. I hope all is well with your wife and family. I will just say that if your leaving for a dispute with one person among the throng here that don't, you should leave. For it shows your overly sensitive nature. I have read many of your posts and banter with her back and forth.
I have always thought of this as a forum of ideas, and cult escape. It has many different things for many different people, in various phases of their life. I have learned and continue to learn much here. If there is someone that is unyielding that is there problem. To me you are proving to be the unyielding one here.
If someone says rude things about me or my ideas I try to clarify and if it persists I ignore them. Wish others could do the same.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
To quote Charlie Brown. "Good Grief. " The on and on about hurt feelings here sometimes is just astonishing. Simons reference to kindergartners is apt.
I have seen over and over again people pile up on Viv. She unfortunately suffers from being an intelligent woman that doesn't flower her words. So what dammit. Woman/Man who f'in cares. None of us should.
I don't know if anyone has said this yet. No one deserves respect. Especially for their beliefs. Disagreeing with a topic is not hijacking. You don't like it go sing cumbaya with your hippie commune freaks elsewhere.
To many of the threads that I have read here are full of asinine bullshit. To many damn bleeding hearts. Grow up already. I'm getting a little too pissed off for a Thursday night. This nonsense of respecting beliefs is similar to the pain I went through when waking up.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
I get it. To all those out there who get their feelings hurt when their wrong or not quite right. This is how you grow you put your ego aside and learn from those that know more about specific subjects then you do. I don't care if I'm right or wrong what I believe or don't believe. What matters to me is the search for truth not falsely claiming you have it which is what belief in essence is. -
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Oubliette I hear what your saying. I still don't get the term pro science. It's like saying im pro reality or anti reality. -
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
There is a difference between a disease and a virus. Belief/religious especially is what drove the evidence in the case you mentioned. Anyone can skew information to justify their beliefs. Thus belief is the problem. The root, or however else someone wants to put it.
I don't understand the term pro science. Can someone be pro math, pro linguistics, and so on.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
I was horrified when I discovered how Alan Turing was treated. The fact that there is not a statue with his name on it is ridiculous. He should be as well known as Einstein in the western world and yet I only recently heard of him and would have dismissed him outright as a JW a little over a year ago. The way he died is especially atrocious.
Belief is the disease that caused others to treat him inhumanely. Belief that someone born different is wrong and evil. Unfounded belief is the problem. Belief without evidence. Faith whether in God's or otherwise is damaging to our species.
I can only hopen for my children and future grandchildrens' sake that we wake up from the slumber we are in as a species. Cast aside our hubris and be willing to say I don't know and keep looking. Belief without evidence stops that process.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
The LGBT approach was multi-faceted. The women's suffrage movement, and the anti racial discrimination movement were as well.
Religion/Beliefs are a virus that need to be eradicated like all of the other crap modern civilizations have rightfully placed in history where it belongs. Viruses can still pop up here and there, but applying the scientific method knocks it back so we can keep advancing.
Beliefs without evidence holds us back and we die because of it. I for one will no longer stand for the crap PC cumbaya notion that we need to respect others beliefs. I call bullshit. No more, people have died to young through the centuries because of this notion and continue to do so.
I hope that those who are thin skinned can put on their grown up pants and realize that there are much bigger things at stake than your hurt feelings. You might be wrong, so what, grow up and get over it already.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Pardon me if this has already been covered. The problem is the post itself. Belief of any kind does not merit respect. Jdub beliefs do not merit respect. KKK beliefs do not merit respect. Covering women in hijabs doesn't either.
I love this forum because beliefs are openly challenged. One of my favorite quotes now is "I respect you to much as a person (I would add as a member of my species) to respect your beliefs. If I'm wrong I should change. If anyone is and doesn't that does not merit respect. It merits shame and ridicule so this nonsense will stop.
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Los Angeles, California.