ISW - many of the points you make are directly from GB approved material. Any entity or group has good they can highlight. Truth however withstands the tests of critical fire. If you have truth it has nothing to fear from examination from outside sources.
This forum is full of ex jws at differing phases in their life. Try putting yourself in one of our shoes for a moment as it is to easy to pass something off as it doesn't happen because it hasn't happened to you or someone you know. Imagine your child being abused and having it brushed under the rug, or losing your child because you didn't give them a blood transfusion. The latter almost happened to me if it hadn't been for the courts. I was going along just fine I thought. An elder, wt. conducter, ex-bethelite, parts on conventions and assemblies. Then bang my son gets leukemia and the next thing you know I'm in the hospital with hlc fighting the hospital over a blood transfusion that would save his life. Thankfully they gave it to him and 3 years later almost done with treatment and a 90% remission rate.
Please continue your journey as people's lives are at stake and not just your own if you have children or grandchildren. I believe this site is better after you have done some initial research. I recommend going to YouTube and typing in "Only In Christ" start with the Gods Channel series as it lays out the history you are likely unaware of as a JW because it is not from the GB. Next listen to the audio of Crisis of Conscious by Ray Franz ex GB member. There is no vitriol in his tone as proclaimed of so called apostates. You can download his book as well. I would then recommend going to Then come back here with some real knowledge, not what's been spoon fed to you by wt.