One of the things that will likely be mentioned by your study conductor is that what you have been told are lies and that in order to know the truth about a group you need to go to the source. Information they have on a given subject only. I find it interesting that we as people will often take this at face value, yet research the purchase of an appliance thoroughly. It's good to see people are changing.
I for one learn more about a potential product purchase from the negative reviews than I do from the positive ones. Ask yourself or your conductor if they would trust the reviews on a LG refrigerator that came from LG only. We would dismiss that as ridiculous, yet that is one of jwisms' main line of reasoning.
What you have mentioned as your tie to this as being truth is similar to what troubled my wife. Needing a channel to go through for truth. You stated earlier if jws don't have truth who does.
Go back to and look under the section interesting, subject under topic of interest "where else to go." This will adress the breakdown of that scriptures meaning.