Believer in your response you stated that you don't have a problem with critiques and that you believe they can be made with mutual respect and not ridicule.
Unfortunately criticizing god or gods to many is ridicule of the worst kind "blasphemy". In Shanghai today people are in jail for the high crime of being critical of others beliefs.
People not beliefs merit respect. I forget who said the following, I think it was Hitch - "I respect you to much as a human being too respect your beliefs. "
I say let the ridicule fly. If ones beliefs rest on solid ground they have nothing to worry about. It's amazing to me the sensitivity that often accompanies theism. It reminds me all to well of jwism. Another example of how I came to my lack of belief in search of truth.
I'm an atheist in the sense that I'm an athorist. We shouldn't even need to have a name for it. It is the opposite of belief, or lack thereof.