Scholar pretendus wrote:
: Alan's nonsense is based on some assumptions as you read carefully his argument in his post 4611. He concludes without any evidence that the 'second year of the reign of Cyrus' according to Josephus was a regnal year counting from Nisan.
I made no such conclusion. I simply gave dates according to standard reckoning such as is found in Parker & Dubberstein, i.e., the Babylonian style accession-year / Nisan dating method.
: I would argue that this is false and that such regnal year was counted form Tishi rather than Nisan.
As usual, you've shot yourself in the head by failing to note the simple fact that my argument works perfectly using either Babylonian reckoning or Jewish-style non-accession-year / Tishri dating. Doug has already incorporated this information in a revised essay.
Actually, you've simply fallen into a trap set by me well over a year ago, but aided immensely by your own incompetence. The trap was that I deliberately failed to mention that either dating method works perfectly well, knowing that if you ever got around to addressing the specifics of my argument, you'd fall into it. Let's see how the trap worked:
: This means that Josephus' second year of Cyrus is identical to that "second yearof their coming to the house of the true God in Jerusalem, in the second month" - Ezra 3:8 NWT.
: which Ezra as with Josephus counted from the Fall of the year, Tishri and not the spring, Nisan.
Very good!
: This means that Ezra and Josephus both used the sacred calender in reference to events such as the laying of the Temple foundation.
This is so vague that it's meaningless. The sacred calendar's function here is nothing more than to provide the numbering for the months. Thus, Nisan is month 1, Tishri is month 7, etc., and the New Year begins with Nisan. However, the regnal years of kings are dated using the secular calendar, whose New Year begins with Tishri.
: Therefore, the year in which the second month fell was 536 BCE following some six months after their return home by the seventh month of 537 BCE.
As usual, you're unable to do simple calendrical calculations. Since Cyrus ascended the throne of Babylon in 539 BCE (after all, even the Society admits this possibility when it allows that Cyrus' 1st regnal year, using accession-year / Nisan dating, began in Nisan, 538 BCE), then Ezra, using non-accession-year / Tishri dating, would put Cyrus' 1st year as running from Tishri 539 to Tishri 538 BCE. Thus, Cyrus' 2nd year, and the "second year of their coming to the house of the true God in Jerusalem, in the second month", runs from Tishri 538 to Tishri 537 BCE, and the 2nd month of this 2nd year is in Iyyar, i.e., about April/May 537 BCE.
: This model combines harmonizes all the facts beginning with the fundamental fact the the 'first year of Cyrus' a regnal year begiining from Nisan from 538 BCE to Nisan 537 BCE.
Nonsense. You have no idea what you're doing.
: This model nicely agrees with Jack Finegan's Handbook Of Biblical Chronology - Revised Edition,1998,pp.179-180,para.329-330.
More nonsense. Finegan's arguments are completely at odds with your claims, and completely in line with mine. Note what Finegan actually writes:
329. The biblical references to the first year of Cyrus when he made the proclamation which allowed the Jewish exiles to return from Babylon to Jerusalem (2 Chron 36:22f.; Ezra 1:1ff.) are presumably stated in terms of his reign in Babylon since they deal with an event in that city. According to the cuneiform evidence and the Babylonian calendar, Babylon fell on Tashritu 16 = Oct 12, 539 B.C., and Cyrus entered the city two and one-half weeks later on Arahsamnu 3 = Oct 29. His Babylonian regnal years began, therefore, as shown in Table 88, and his first year, in which he made the proclamation, was 538/537 B.C.
Table 88. Babylonian Regnal Years of Cyrus at the Beginning of His Reign
Regnal Year____B.C.
Year 1_________538/537
Year 2_________537/536
330. In the second year of the return of the exiles to Jerusalem, Zerubbabel began the rebuilding of the temple. (Ezra 3:8). . . The same dates are also given by Josephus. [137]
[137] Against Apion 1.154.
Finegan's Table 88 obviously uses accession-year / Nisan dating, and the 2nd month of "Year 2" is obviously Iyyar, or April/May of 537 BCE.
I hadn't noticed this before, but Finegan actually cites exactly the same reference to Josephus in support of his argument as I've done in support of mine, in footnote "[137]". The difference is that I cite Against Apion I,21 using William Whiston's numbering of passages, whereas Finegan uses Niese's numbering, namely, Against Apion 1.154.
: Obviously, there will be some criticism of this model which answers Alan F's problem
The criticism is simple: it's completely wrong as a criticism because, where it's not gibberish, it confirms my argument.
: and I have already anticpated some objections and will defend this position vigously.
Right. Much like you've done in your post here. LOL!
: My model is a 'rough draft' and is a work in progress but as the debate continues on this subject then I will do some fine tuning
Ah. Kind of like the Society's abandoning 1874 as the date of Christ's invisible return was just a bit of fine tuning.
: but in short, Alan's mistake is that he assumes that Josephus used the Nisan calendation rather than the Tishri calendation in his Against Apion 1.21.
You've made your usual complement of errors here, scholar pretendus: failing to carefully read posts, failing to understand posts, failure to quote references, failure to understand references, failure to argue correctly, etc. I look forward to further debunking your amusing attempts to support the Society's silly chronology.
For reference, below I'm including a table I've posted several times before, except that this time I've included the numbers for Cyrus' regnal years based on non-accession-year / Tishri dating. Comparing the table with the one in my post 4611 shows that no dates have changed, which proves that either dating method forces the same basic conclusion: the Jews returned in 538 BCE.
Table of Cyrus' Early Years As King of Babylon, With Important Events
Julian__Jewish____Julian___Cyrus' Year Using__Cyrus' Year Using
___________________________and Nisan-Nisan____and Tishri-Tishri
539_____Tishri____Sep/Oct___Cyrus' 0th Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 7__Babylon falls, Cyrus' accession year
539_____Heshvan___Oct/Nov___Cyrus' 0th Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 8
539_____Chislev___Nov/Dec___Cyrus' 0th Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 9
539/8___Tebeth____Dec/Jan___Cyrus' 0th Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 10
538_____Shebat____Jan/Feb___Cyrus' 0th Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 11
538_____Adar______Feb/Mar___Cyrus' 0th Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 12
538_____Nisan_____Mar/Apr___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 1__Cyrus' 1st year; issues his famous decree
538_____Iyyar_____Apr/May___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 2
538_____Sivan_____May/Jun___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 3
538_____Tammuz____Jun/Jul___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 4
538_____Ab________Jul/Aug___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 5
538_____Elul______Aug/Sep___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 1st Year, Month 6__Jews arrive in Judah
538_____Tishri____Sep/Oct___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 7___Jews are settled in their cities
538_____Heshvan___Oct/Nov___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 8
538_____Chislev___Nov/Dec___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 9
538/7___Tebeth____Dec/Jan___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 10
537_____Shebat____Jan/Feb___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 11
537_____Adar______Feb/Mar___Cyrus' 1st Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 12
537_____Nisan_____Mar/Apr___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 1
537_____Iyyar_____Apr/May___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 2__Temple foundations are laid
537_____Sivan_____May/Jun___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 3
537_____Tammuz____Jun/Jul___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 4
537_____Ab________Jul/Aug___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 5
537_____Elul______Aug/Sep___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 2nd Year, Month 6
537_____Tishri____Sep/Oct___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 7
537_____Heshvan___Oct/Nov___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 8
537_____Chislev___Nov/Dec___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 9
537/6___Tebeth____Dec/Jan___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 10
536_____Shebat____Jan/Feb___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 11
536_____Adar______Feb/Mar___Cyrus' 2nd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 12
536_____Nisan_____Mar/Apr___Cyrus' 3rd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 1
536_____Iyyar_____Apr/May___Cyrus' 3rd Year___Cyrus' 3rd Year, Month 2