From the number of posts and the times people complain on here, it looks that many of you don't
so, why is it that you want to grace this whiny board of jobless complainers with your presence? no, seriously.
this is a serious question.
how many of you have jobs?
from the number of posts and the times people complain on here, it looks that many of you don't.
a friend of mine sent this to me.
too bad this didn't work for all the silentlamb victims!
jehovah's witness.
a friend of mine sent this to me.
too bad this didn't work for all the silentlamb victims!
jehovah's witness.
i read this on a movie discussion forum~~~.
computer buffs in new zealand are "baiting" nigerian fraudsters in a game dubbed the new internet bloodsport, a report said today.
the ultimate goal is to turn the fraud back on the nigerians, but authorities warn the game is dangerous and are urging people not to play.
this questions was asked to miss alabama in the 1994 miss u.s.a. contest.
her response was: "i would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why i would not live forever.".
my view.
edited to remove humor that by the light of day has potential to offend....
edited to put back cuz it's almost dark here now....
why men are just happier people - what do you expect from such .
less than a month from 2004, are you already thinking of new year's resolutions?
anything drastic in mind?
spunk - i'm thinking italy or france. i was thinking of going exotic and doing this volunteer thing to nepal, but if i'm going to move somewhere, i want to be able to eventually blend in somewhat. i'll always be an american, but i won't be "that one american freak" if i choose a country that is already used to expatriats. i already speak some italian, so i was initially leaning towards italy, but all the research i have done indicates that getting a job is absolute HELL in italy.
this questions was asked to miss alabama in the 1994 miss u.s.a. contest.
her response was: "i would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why i would not live forever.".
my view.
i had an interesting conversation with a jw last week, who insisted that she was not 'brainwashed' and would be prepared to look at any evidence i had that the 'truth' was not the one true truth.. so i went to my book cupboard to get my copies of 'crisis of conscience' and 'signs of the last days - when?
' in order to lend them to her.. and they are gone!!!!
i am absolutely certain they were there only a few weeks ago.. i can only assume that my jw wife (whom i'm not on the best of terms with) has taken them.