hi jonny!!! welcome to the forum from another former patron of the hideous Cow Palace!!!!
kinda new to the forums, stumbled across this discussion board whilst researching the wt involvement with the un as an ngo, laughed my head off when i found out they got booted cuz everyone gave em a bad rap (serv's em right) http://www.aimoo.com/forum/postview.cfm?id=311102&categoryid=3459&threadid=1131916&highlight_key=y&keyword1=ngo.
anyway, been a "baptized" jw since 13 at the cow palace (now 20).... been a "questioning" jw since a few months after my "baptism".... still hang around the jw's... heck i was brought up as one from a tot and all of my good friends are jw's... even my girlfriend is a jw..... sigh... i've told her my stance... i'm way more liberal when it comes to religion and spirituality than i was taught to be, and bless the creator, she still loves me.
but anyway i'm at a continuing crossroads, as far as staying or leaving.... i shan't be in this state of mind for much longer but i'm just trying to get good reasons to pack the bags.... if anyone has some "meat" for me to sink my teeth into pass it my way.. haha, wow i'm spilling my guts and no one even knows me yet lol.
hi jonny!!! welcome to the forum from another former patron of the hideous Cow Palace!!!!
i have been lurking for some time, and have learned an awful lot (most of it awful) about how i was raised... this is a wonderful website... .
i just found newbies!
everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask by jgnat... this is a great thread, which leads to a wealth of information.
wow, one ugly time. i so completely identify with practically everything you've written. it's like reading a page from the journal i would keep if i was capable of journaling.
good luck to you on your personal journey, and to everyone else, the inciteful comments were very interesting to read and i appreciate them though they weren't directed at me.
i hope she comes back!!
there are generally two types of arguments against theism whether we are talking about the judeo-christian-islamic god, the god of deism, the hindu pantheon....whatever.
the "rational" arguments include all scientific, logical and historical problems with a supreme and all-loving being and include such fields as evolutionary biology, deconstruction of "holy" texts, archaeology, formal logic, etc.
science in particular has been eliminating the "explanatory" aspect of theism for hundreds of years now -- from copernicus to newton to darwin to einstein -- all, knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, have had a share in shattering faith.
Of course you jest (let's hope), since we both know an opinion is not a theory
ok, i do wish i had not spelled completely without a "c"...but despite that fact don't attempt to insult my intelligence. your OPINION smacks of the argument from design, which, as bradley has spelled out for you, is flawed.
there are generally two types of arguments against theism whether we are talking about the judeo-christian-islamic god, the god of deism, the hindu pantheon....whatever.
the "rational" arguments include all scientific, logical and historical problems with a supreme and all-loving being and include such fields as evolutionary biology, deconstruction of "holy" texts, archaeology, formal logic, etc.
science in particular has been eliminating the "explanatory" aspect of theism for hundreds of years now -- from copernicus to newton to darwin to einstein -- all, knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, have had a share in shattering faith.
all of Creation indicates there is a Creator
sorry, but i think this theory is ompletely flawed.
i am so bad at the gift thing, anyone else?
i feel being raised as a dub has'nt helped with this.
she's always complaining about her cd player messing up at the gym.
see that's exactly what my boyfriend said. i was like, um, hon, it's great, but why did you get it for me???? and he said well, you know how you were saying you can't listen to CD's and run at the same time? forget about that, this thing rocks and i figured you'd like to use it at the gym/on the track. and he was so right. it makes such a difference not having to worry about your music skipping or bringing a bulky walkman or CD player to the gym, and the batteries last forever, mine only takes one AAA battery and it's very efficient.
i am so bad at the gift thing, anyone else?
i feel being raised as a dub has'nt helped with this.
but maybe a day spa
you know that's a pretty good one actually, my mom got a day at the spa thing one time and it was so nice for her to get a break from us kids and just spend time being pampered and spoiled. moms definitely deserve it.
i am so bad at the gift thing, anyone else?
i feel being raised as a dub has'nt helped with this.
it's so hard to tell what she'd like to get without knowing her, and the best gifts are not generic any-woman-would-have-wanted-this gifts, in my opinion; they have to be more personal, and show that you put a lot of thought and effort into them. has she dropped any hints?
having said that, the best present my boyfriend ever got me was my MP3 player last christmas. it was exactly what i never knew i always wanted. i didn't even know what it was when i opened it, and i'm telling you, that little device has brought me ENDLESS hours of joy and entertainment. best present ever. i enjoy it far more than any of the jewelry or clothing i received.
i was just reading another thread that mentioned something that knocked me over!
this thread mentions the existence of jw prep schools!
can anyone enlighten me on this topic?
my aunt went to the Witness home school in Sacramento, CA. thank god my mom didn't go in for that
Many here are JW-haters.
i'd say WTBTS haters is more like it. i hope so, anyway!!!! i don't personally hate witnesses