The best thing to do is a very slow fade. Don't discuss any issues with your family till you basically become inactive. I am in that position. I was babtized as a teenager then married out of the organization. We moved from Long Island up to CT about 10 years ago. I have actually been called on by Merton Campbell and tons of others from the Patterson area. My brother is an elder and my dad still a stauch JW at 84. You just can't start saying anything that would give them an idea what you now believe. That's how I started because I didn't want to lose my family. Now they don't even view me as ever being a JW. PC
Posts by pc
Anybody ever "game" the system? (get out w/o DF/DA, keep family)
by AlmostAtheist inhi guys,.
you'll recall my happy announcement that my wife has decided to join me in leaving the watchtower!
our son has been fine with the change, and our newborn seems to accept it, too.
I need help - Do I go to the ceremony or not?
by Sprocket ini really need some good advice.. i have been dissasociated for 7 years--an ex:elder.
i have three children, none of them have spoken to me since i left other than my son saying that they would "welcome me back with open arms if i return, but until then they would have nothing to do with me".
this at the hospital bed where my mother (their grandmother) died less than a month later.. my middle daughter got married 2 years ago and for some strange reason i did not get an invitation.
Hi Sproket.
I haven't posted in a long time but sometimes I sit late at night and read the posts. I read yours and I just started to cry. What brainwashed, pathetic people JW'S are.
If you've been away for awhile do you think you could go unnoticed in the back of the hall? Their are so many children who would just give anything for a father to be there for them. I would say for go because deep in his heart I'm sure he would want you there.
PS(I'm sure alot of people will disagree with me but thats my 2cents).
Polyphonic Spree
by Sirius Dogma ini have only recently discovered this band(?
), not sure if that is what to call them.
they are are what you would get if you mixed the beatles, the grateful dead, pink floyd and an orchestra if you put them to work on a non-existing musical play.
I just went to a Bowie concert and they were the front band. I thought they were fantastic. They came out at the end of Bowie and performed with them. He said to the audience "these guys are great I wished I'd done some more with them". He made a joke that they were from Texas, is that true? I've been talking about them all week. PC
My Mother was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer
by DevonMcBride intoday my mother got results from a biopsy she had on tuesday.
she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and has to have surgery to remove the thyroid.
the doctor said this type of cancer is almost always curable which is good news.
There are some great books to deal with the aftermath of thyroid cancer. It is very important to get the correct medication. I have a thyroid condition and it has taken two years to get my meds. corrected. There are many different combinations of medicines she could use.
The Thyroid Solution by Ridha Arem .Great chapter on thyroid cancer.
The Thyroid Souce Book by Rosenthal.
Thyroid Disease The Facts by Bayliss.
It is really imperitive to correct the thyroid after the cancer treatment. People don't realize how important the thyroid is. It effects all you hormones. It has a huge effect on your moods and your brain. Hope this helps PC
Anyone know of elders in the Tampa area?
by CaptK inis there anyone that knows of any elders in the tampa, fla area ?
let me know if you have any conflicts, or likes and dislikes from this area.
Where in Tampa? I was just visiting my dad in Clearwater. PC
Joel Osteen, Pastor
by new light inhas anyone else ever watched televangelist joel osteen, pastor of the lakewood church in houston, tx?
i believe he is aired pretty much throughout the u.s. even being the faithless slug that i am, his sermons never, ever fail to move me.
he is so inspiring, so positive.
Where can it be seen? Has anyone listened to Cliff Knektle he does a thing called give me an answer. He goes to college campus' and discusses religion with the students. I think he's great too.
Freedom to Choose God
by UnDisfellowshipped income to the wedding.
' for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones.
' for i say to you that god is able to raise up children to abraham from these stones.
Undisfellowshipped Just wanted you to know I pm you. PC
How Do You Handle Dubs At The Door?
by Elmer J. Fudd init seems as though i'm never prepared.
i would love to have a simple statement to present to them.
any suggestions?.
I actually do have them calling on me. I had a hour discussion with them about two weeks ago and they want to come back. My brother got wind of it (who is an elder). I think he's afraid they will go after me if I ask too many questions. They know I was raised as a witness. I am just getting so tired of trying to open thier eyes. They really don't care. Even on the topic of the UN, it really doesn't seem to bother them. How pathetic!
Unfair disfellowshipping
by reason inis it "fair" for paul to disfellowship those who are not working secularly in the 1st century?
When I bring this up with my Elder brother he say's" they stoned people back in the Isrealites day". Oh yeah, I am so much happier that they just cut you off from every living person you know. Isn't that called solidary confinement? pc
Does this have anything to do with this post? Sorry I wasn't paying attention just ranting as usual.
why is everyone so afraid?
by woody02302 ini am new to this forum, and so far all i read is how we all hide from the wittnesses we now, or don't answer the phone, or walk the other way when they walk down the street.
to tell you a little about myself, i grew up a j.w, i was married when i was 21. my first wife was abused by a brother in her hall for years.
we were married for about a year , when one day i got a phone call from a man at the watchtower and track society.
Welcome Woody! Sorry that happened with you and your wife. I think your right, in thier hearts the dubs really are jealous! pc