I know by that statement I will of course get alot of funny remarks.
What I wanted to know is if something is put in private can only members view it? What determines who is a member?
i know by that statement i will of course get alot of funny remarks.
what i wanted to know is if something is put in private can only members view it?
what determines who is a member?.
I know by that statement I will of course get alot of funny remarks.
What I wanted to know is if something is put in private can only members view it? What determines who is a member?
an older woman and a younger woman with a baby in a stoller knocked on my door.
my house is so decorated with spider webs,pumpkins,skulls,gravestones, etc.
when i opened the door the crawling hand and candy dishes started thier seperate sounds and music, i just started to laugh.. she didn't introduce herself as one of jehovah's witnesses, she said she was doing volunteer work.
A funny side note. My dad who is a staunch JW and elderly called me tonight. I told him about the witness coming to my door. He said "oh what congregation were they from"? I said "you know dad I did'nt even mention that I was ever a JW, but probably Patterson". He didn't say anything just silence.
I am going to call him back another day and let it sneak in about all my decorations, just for the fun of it.
an older woman and a younger woman with a baby in a stoller knocked on my door.
my house is so decorated with spider webs,pumpkins,skulls,gravestones, etc.
when i opened the door the crawling hand and candy dishes started thier seperate sounds and music, i just started to laugh.. she didn't introduce herself as one of jehovah's witnesses, she said she was doing volunteer work.
It's amazing even from this post how you can feel the sincerity of some people on this board. Even if we all don't agree on everything.
Almost Atheist
Mrs.. Mrs... Jones...... Mrs Jones
The Listener
Thanks for responding and your nice comments!!!
This is for you other guys
an older woman and a younger woman with a baby in a stoller knocked on my door.
my house is so decorated with spider webs,pumpkins,skulls,gravestones, etc.
when i opened the door the crawling hand and candy dishes started thier seperate sounds and music, i just started to laugh.. she didn't introduce herself as one of jehovah's witnesses, she said she was doing volunteer work.
An older woman and a younger woman with a baby in a stoller knocked on my door. My house is so decorated with spider webs,pumpkins,skulls,gravestones, etc. When I opened the door the crawling hand and candy dishes started thier seperate sounds and music, I just started to laugh.
She didn't introduce herself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she said she was doing volunteer work. She asked me about the up coming elections(I'm in CT, USA) and "did I think man could solve the problems we have". I said "I think some people are really trying to do the right thing". I really started to feel sad for her.
She seemed very nervous. She tried to leave the Watchtower with me and I said I don't need it. I said "I read the bible own my own and do not need any other literature to go along with it". She said "isn't hard for you to understand it"? I said "no I find by praying for understanding it becomes completely clear". She just kinda of looked at me dumb founded. I just said bye and have a nice day... I felt so wierd!! I use to always engage them and tell them about my past, but know I just think to myself how sad I feel for them....
Just watched last week. I completely agree with you Excellent! I had my kids 10/14 watch it with us.
Then my son went to school the next day and had an opportunity to speak in front of his whole school because they had an assembly about people hurting and picking on each other. Believe it or noet my son said a JW girl stood up and spoke about being picked on for not celebrating holidays. I was shocked because it is a private school and I never imagined a JW would be there.
what is the absolute funniest thing that happened to you ever in your whole life?
Not the funniest but because it's Halloween I thought you might enjoy it. I was in 7th grade. My dad was the presiding overseer, my 2 older brothers pioneers. Well I am dressed in my Pocohantas costume (told my mom I am just going to the library) at my best friends house for a Halloween party. My friends mother yells down to me to come upstairs and before she can say "because your mothers here", I am standing dressed in my costume staring at my mother. Well she doesn't make me come home right then. She tells me to be home in an hour. Needless to say it put a real damper on the party!!!
when my brother (who was just removed as an elder) comes over this weekend is there a way i could address the 607 date issue.
my other brother will also be over and he left the jw's about 4 years,and knows about all the lies and nonsense of the watchtower.
he has read some of the books and knows the dates are wrong.
When my brother (who was just removed as an elder) comes over this weekend is there a way I could address the 607 date issue. My other brother will also be over and he left the JW's about 4 years,and knows about all the lies and nonsense of the Watchtower. He has read some of the books and knows the dates are wrong. For my brother still in ,I don't know if it would be something that would start him thinking or not. I would want to do it very sneakily so he doesn't get his back up. Any ideas, or is it just a waste of time???
As always thanks.
my jw brother's birthday is on halloween.
so i invited he and his wife up to my house on sunday for dinner.
my other brother and his family who are now ex-jw's are also coming.
My JW brother's birthday is on Halloween. So I invited he and his wife up to my house on Sunday for dinner. My other brother and his family who are now ex-jw's are also coming. My house is totally decorated for Halloween because my younger son just LOVES Halloween. I have it all set up with gigantic spiderwebs and graves with tombstones. At my front door I have curtins and a raven because my son's love Edgar Allen Poe. I wonder what they'll say!!! I am going to have a special cake but no candles for my brother and give him a gift because he is turning 50. I also just found out that he was just removed as an elder... Maybe this is the start of something......
NOw back to making my son's Legalos(Lord of the Rings) costume
well i thought i knew a lot but my x son in law has just been diagnosed with cancer of the tonsils!
they are telling him it is caused by smoking(no surprise here) and drinking!
he does smoke but has quit for years at a time and then gone back.
My brother in law was diagnosed with tongue 4 years ago. He was 46 years old at the time. By the time he was diagnosed it was about a stage 4.
He had very few options. Sloane Kettering was going to take 2/3 rds of his tongue out. He opted for Radplat therapy. It was a Dr. Robins in Gainesville Fl, but I believe the doctor is now in Illinios. It seemed the best choice at the time. He has since had some very dire developments. Bothe sides of his jaw had to be replaced with titanium. What has been determined is people are living through alot of these cancers but the doctors are not very prepared for the after effects.
By the way he never smoked in his life, or drank alcohol....
my husband and i are involved with a group of people and we have what we refer to as a "small group".
we get together have wine and cheese and read the bible or discuss things that we might need help with.
it is a very cool group of people no over the top christians.
Thanks Dave...by the way are you an athiest or is that just your handle!
Jgnat thank you too..