Hi Sunnygal41,
Great poem, who couldn't relate!
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why they call it the present." (Borrowed from a post from Blondie)
someone has another thread going on the forum about whether our past defines us..........in some ways it does, but, the point i wanted to make by posting this is that we can rise above the past if we find it limits us.............i hope everyone who peeks in at this enjoys it as much as i did!
by judith arianne
from within the self, i choose to love who i am and someone will come into my life and love me for that alone.
Hi Sunnygal41,
Great poem, who couldn't relate!
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why they call it the present." (Borrowed from a post from Blondie)
i came across this on ebay the other day:
is the watchtower society "test-driving" 2034 as their next armageddon prediction?
this auction is for a "like new" copy of the 12/15/2003 issue of the watchtower magazine.
I came across this on ebay the other day:
Is the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY "Test-Driving" 2034 As Their Next Armageddon Prediction?
This auction is for a "like new" copy of the 12/15/2003 issue of the WATCHTOWER magazine.
The first study article, entitled, "Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency", is one of their routine "fire up the sales force for the next year" article; typically threatening and scaring JWs by comparing only the "negatives" of our current day with that of Noah's day.
Since the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY has pretty much worn out this comparison over the years, most JWs likely read through this article, and then dozed through the boring WatchTower Study, without noticing anything new. And, maybe there isn't?
However, for those of us who lived through the late '60s and early '70s, when the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY "never predicted that Armageddon would occur in October 1975", this article has the "odor" of a possible new end-time prediction.
Given the fact that the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY has the worst track record in history in setting dates to fulfill Bible prophecy (1799, 1844, 1874, 1878, 1881, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1930-40s, 1975, to name a few), the NEW LEADERSHIP of "non-anointed" Corporate Officers (as if the "governing body" was not also "non-anointed") is hopefully smart enough to not come right out and state a specific date. However, what they might do is "take a date out for a test drive". That is, they may start throwing out some insinuations of a certain date; wait and see if their membership take the hint; and wait and see how such date affects the "sales figures".
In the opening subheading (the purpose of which is to set up the topic of the article), paragraph 5 states:
"It is reasonable to assume that Jehovah feels about the present world as he felt about the pre-Flood world. Since he brought an end to the ungodly world of Noah's day, he will certainly destroy the wicked world of today. Having a clear understanding of the parallel between that time and our day should fortify our conviction that the end of the present world is near. What then are the similarities? There are at least five. The first is that a warning of coming destruction is given in no uncertain terms."
Paragraph 6 opens with Genesis 6:3 quoted; which the article interpretes as Jehovah's dating the Flood to occur 120 years from the date of such divine decree. The paragraph continues:
"The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring 'the deluge' ... ."
In paragraph 7, the "point" continues:
"... Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in 'the time of the end.'"
It doesn't take a "rocket scientist" to do the math and to connect the dots:
"beginning of the end" + 120 years = FLOOD.
"the last days of this system of things began" in 1914 + 120 years = ARMAGEDDON.
1914 + 120 years = 2034.
Who knows? You be the judge. Get your collector's copy now!
what controlling statements or questions do you remember hearing or using most?
my all time favorite is, "isn't this god's organization?
and shouldn't we obey god's organization??
"What a wonderful organization we belong too!" Usually said with a toothy grin.
This is another one that makes me want to 'hurl chunks.'
who remembers it or worse, suffered from it?.
does anyone remember the wt issue the gb reversed themselves in?
the cd rom doesn't show it.
Thank you all for your input.
I read on another site about the WT CD Rom censoring information and tried finding this issue on it and haven't! So now I can add another reason to be disgusted with the WTBTS.
what controlling statements or questions do you remember hearing or using most?
my all time favorite is, "isn't this god's organization?
and shouldn't we obey god's organization??
What controlling statements or questions do you remember hearing or using most? My all time favorite is, "Isn't this GOD'S organization? And shouldn't we OBEY GOD's organization?? Makes me want to PUKE!
the world is commo=ing to an end!
this systenm wont last but a few years!
you can live forever after god destroys the wicked!
Interesting way of putting it, 'bait and switch.'
I know this much, intellectual honesty is not one of the GB's strong points. All the 'busy' work was an insult in a sad effort to save us from ourselves! I'm convinced the GB views all of us as just a bunch of ignorant and simple sheep.
i thought that the wts had all of the answers, but now i dont know anything for sure, i am comnvinced though of the existence of god and that thers is more to life than what we are experiencing now.
but i am not going to get imvolved in the mechanics of worhiping god via religion joining them or to get enveloed in those believes .
i have a simple philosophy.
The WBTS really messed with our heads (and lives) yet, I don't think we should 'write-off' everything they taught concerning the bible. I work hard to distinguish and separate God's views from mans. Then live by God's. - "Make sure of all things..."
gen 3:22
and jehovah god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever- (asv)
ok, putting aside all the trinitarian implications and the contradictory/chronological problems in genesis so as not to cloud the issue, how can this (above) be accurate?.
"...rather than using the supposedly god-given discernment they have to distinguish fact from fable and to distinguish guidance to live our lives in a more spiritual manner ... and trying to worship god in spirit."
Good point Abaddon,
Proverbs 31:7 reads;
"Let one drink and forget one's poverty, and let one remember one's own trouble no more."
Is this text the 'inspired word of God?' I think NOT. IMO the bible is not inspired in the way we've been taught. I believe God's word is in there, just not every word in the bible is out of God's mouth.
joseph was 30 when pharo gave him egypt,why because he prefigured jesus, david was 30 when god made him king,why because he prefigured jesus.why was jesus 30 when god gave him his ministry,because thats the age adam was when god gave him eve.. why would god put all of these scriptures in the bible if adam was only 25 or 26 when god made eve.
gen 41:46 num 4:3 num 4:23 2sam 5:4 1chron 23:3 luke 3:23 adam was the first king.
an age god decided a man was of age.because if jesus was 30 and adam was only 25 then the devil has a legal case that god is cheating, that jesus had longer to develop than adam.
I like webclocker's thinking at the start of this Topic. When we look at all the time that has elapsed and the slow but steady turning society is making on religion, it seem very plausible.
I also am a chronic bad speller, if it weren't for Spell Check you'd all think I was typing with my toes!
gen 3:22
and jehovah god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever- (asv)
ok, putting aside all the trinitarian implications and the contradictory/chronological problems in genesis so as not to cloud the issue, how can this (above) be accurate?.
I don't take this scripture in an completely literal sense. "Like God" in awareness of right and wrong, yes, in power and ability, no. God enabling these trees to trigger a response (knowledge) or a condition (life) is something I think is completely possible.
For God to choose to 'live in the moment' and let life flow on it's own, I think is reasonable and understandable. Were would the joy of spontaneity be, or in this case, sorrow. My personal opinion on how God is aware or knows 'all things', is that his mind is divided into conscious and subconscious like ours is. So when a sparrow falls to the earth He is aware of it at a subconscious level. Like our brain 'knows' how many hair follicles we have, (or in my case, don't have). I believe creation is an extension of Jehovah's very being, He being the 'mind' creation being His body.