Government will not turn on religion.
Time will tell my friend.
i was thinking back the other day to new years eve 1999. it was a few hours before midnight.
i was in the virgin islands drinking with my girlfriend and some friends and i started to freak out.
i started thinking that maybe christ would return that night, maybe armageddon would come and the earth would be turned inside out and i would die that very night.
Government will not turn on religion.
Time will tell my friend.
i was thinking back the other day to new years eve 1999. it was a few hours before midnight.
i was in the virgin islands drinking with my girlfriend and some friends and i started to freak out.
i started thinking that maybe christ would return that night, maybe armageddon would come and the earth would be turned inside out and i would die that very night.
I do think 9/11 was a turning point. I believe the WTS is correct in their assertion that world governments will turn on and destroy world religion. I think its been happening incrementaly for many years with the general public and now the governments themselves are inclining that way. If/when the US empowers the UN to fight the War On Terror, then I think the 'party will be over' for religion and the Big A will not be far behind. IMO
today's second reading at mass came from rev 21:1-4. i pointed out to my wife that it said, "behold, god's dewellling is with the human race.
he will dwell with them and they will be his people and god himself will always be with them.
" how do the jdubs reconcile that with their teaching that there are two hopes and that most will not be in heaven [where god is], but on a paradise earth without god.
I think it is important to remember the origin of death. It was the consquence for lawlessness (sin). It was never stated by God in His warning to Adam that death would lead to anything other than the end of his life. Genesis 2:17, 3:3
today's second reading at mass came from rev 21:1-4. i pointed out to my wife that it said, "behold, god's dewellling is with the human race.
he will dwell with them and they will be his people and god himself will always be with them.
" how do the jdubs reconcile that with their teaching that there are two hopes and that most will not be in heaven [where god is], but on a paradise earth without god.
The Witness view is that the 144,000 are a new creation. Humans living in heaven were not in God's original plan. 2Corinthians 5:17 Galatians 6:15
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
Well as you would have guessed from my name, I am a proud Witness and I feel obliged to preach to you...
Assuming your the genuine article you shouldn't be pushing ahead of the org. and taking it upon yourself to preach/save us...right?
... but I am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life...
What makes you so sure we're off it and you ON it? Meeting attendance??
...people intent on bitterly destroying God's Organization by spreading rumours on the internet.
... Turn away from spreading terrible lies about God's Organization...
You see, some people chose to believe that Jesus is God. I mean, what's that all about?!?! ...believe the same kind of lies about the Organization.
If anybody has anything to say about 'how bad the Organization is' yadda yadda yadda then let them say it here, we will have it out.
The GB/Organization is narrow, controlling and manipulative. That's not rumour, it's FACT. Who have inseperatly linked obediance to them with obediance to GOD. Very un-loving to say the least! Perhaps if the ancient Israelites questioned and challenged their religious leaders more Jehovah wouldn't have had to punish them as hard or as often.
But it's sad to see so many people simply taking his word for it and claiming the same as he does - just because he didn't receive God's holy spirit when he was part of the Governing Body, doesn't mean to say that the rest didn't either.Your proof of this is?? Aren't you just 'speculating'?
Another indirect lie is when apostates speak about false prophecies.....These people who speaculate on past doctrine as though we teach it today are idiots.
What doctrines taught today will become tomorrows Old Light? Or is that impossible now?
...I'm not denying the existance of these scumbags within the Organization, but I am confused as to why people could listen to Bill say a five digit number and swallow it whole - just the same as how apostates claim the rest of the Organization has swallowed God's truth as a 'lie'.
How is it you believe the number is not true. What are you basing it on? It seems to me your being too generous with your trust in the GB/Org.
the society would like to say this is done (except for the 'life stories') because 'all recognition' blah blah blah should go to jehovah...but what do you think are the real reasons why everything is published anonymously?.
and, is this also a common practice in other religious articles/publications?.
Well, we COULD put their pictures on all the publications, but then their secret would be out:
LOL Well, I guess that clears that up!!!
who has saved more human lives (estimated at over one billion - that's billion with a b) than anyone else in history as a direct result of his work?
who won the nobel peace prize in 1970?
who still teaches at texas a&m at the age of 90?
I think your post is loaded on one side and does not represent a fair balance...
FAIR AND BALANCED??!! Since when is it wrong for a person to have a strong view on something and with conviction say it?! Political Correctness drives me INSANE!
a few years ago....before i went to bethel....i was very troubled in mind and heart and quite fervently prayed to jehovah asking for help.....i really really poured my heart out when all of a sudden...... i went completely catatonic (i was lying down in bed on my back).
i was still concious, but i felt like i was no longer a part of my body and in fact don't think i could've moved if i'd tried was very strange and i believe its only happened once since then (while during a heartfelt prayer).
has this happened to any of you?.
'Leaving The Body' by D Scott Rogo is a great non-religious How-To book on Astral Projection.
I just started reading 'out of body experiences - how to have them and what to expect' by Robert Peterson. I like it, its also is written from a secular position.
the society would like to say this is done (except for the 'life stories') because 'all recognition' blah blah blah should go to jehovah...but what do you think are the real reasons why everything is published anonymously?.
and, is this also a common practice in other religious articles/publications?.
The WTS is sure interested to know who the human authors of the bible were, but when it comes time to accredit their own publications authorship is deemed un-important under the guise of humility!!Flash , they don?t want people to know a) how little if any involvement any member of the GB has in the development of any WT article, b) how many (30 or more) of the non-anointed brothers at Bethel are involved. I swear there is a brother just in charge of commas, one for periods, one for paragraph indentations. I also know that one brother makes a change and another comes by and puts it back. The brother(s) in charge of resource citations has been falling down on the job lately.
I wondered the same thing Boa. This is what Blondie told me during her 4/18 WT discussion.
a few years ago....before i went to bethel....i was very troubled in mind and heart and quite fervently prayed to jehovah asking for help.....i really really poured my heart out when all of a sudden...... i went completely catatonic (i was lying down in bed on my back).
i was still concious, but i felt like i was no longer a part of my body and in fact don't think i could've moved if i'd tried was very strange and i believe its only happened once since then (while during a heartfelt prayer).
has this happened to any of you?.
Boa there is a term called Astral Travel , it may sound odd as an out of body experience, but it very similar to what you have described. Our minds are a very strong force. Through meditation it is possible sometimes to reach those catatonic levels.
I agree with CHEVYSNTATS, I have had some OBE experiance too and it sounds to me like you were very close to a spontaneous OBE.