LOL...I didn't think LittleToe was asking for an example of this very thing!
Niether you, LT nor anyone else will determine what form my responces shall come in. The beautiful thing about the Kingdom message in the Bible is that it runs from cover to cover. People that want to discredit the answers they hear by belittling them as 'patchwork quilt,' 'bible hop-scotch' or 'Watchtower proof-texting' must not really want an answer. Your responce below is another example. You just keep 'raising the bar' with endless requests for proof and only within your guidlines....It's been fun. Have a Great Day!
Rather than simply repeating Watchtower proof-texting, can you show from the context how you can identify the "little flock" of Luke 12:32 with the "great crowd" of Revelation and identify the "other sheep" of John 10:16 with the "144,000" of Revelation, and can you similarly show that the "little flock" of Luke is not included in the "great crowd" of Revelation, or show that the "other sheep" of John are not included within the "little flock" of Luke, or show that the "other sheep" of John refers to some other kind of group entirely, and so forth. What I'm trying to point out is that you uncritically accept the Watchtower identifications and categorizations (based on two very different scriptures in John and Luke) and impose it on Revelation to interpret it, without showing what one has to do with the other and whether those identifications are correct in the first place. I believe, along with the vast majority of non-JWs who interpret the Bible (aside from the Mormons, lol), that the "other sheep" in John refer to the Gentiles. Can you show me why this should not be the case?