I,m going to cut to the chase here .I am not long viewing this website and am fascinated at much of what i have read.Currently i attend meetings, but sit there and think of what i now know about the society and its past.I just feel so confused at the moment with religion.
Its a bit like who shot JFK ,Did man really land on the moon etc .. except it involves all of us( just wish i knew the Truth)
The only thing that is keeping me there right now is that all my family are in the "truth" ,,and i cant just stay at home and be shunned which i have recently experienced ( was inactive for a while) .
If i knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that i have found the true faith and discern that it is definately the true faith, i would then make a stand and nothing would stop me . Already i am reading the scriptures without the aid of WT publications and what i am reading is amazing .I am starting to feel that i am now getting closer to God by simply doing this coupled with prayer.
There must be one true faith as there was in the first century. I find it hard to believe that God would use a mish mash of various religions that put out different views about God and his purposes.
I also believe that Jesus has a much more important role than the way the society paints him although i dont agree with the belief that jesus is God ,that really does not make sense to me what so ever.( hope i dont cause any one offense by what i believe)
I know that this is perhaps something that most people on this Board perhaps would love to know because it definately is something i want to know.I must admit that i find it annoying that the true faith just simply doesnt stick right out, why so much confusion? Devil of course!
But maybe you can submit your views and why you may think so ;perhaps you already feel you have found the faith you believe is the truth . Please tell me why you personally think so.
Perhaps maybe i will now find that treasure i have always been looking for !