Basically, the letter says that due to technology...
Its possible.
Its also possible that their spinning it, that demand for their publications is down and it costs money to feed and house slaves...oops, I mean volunteers.
i was at the kh and the official discussion of the letter on the cover of the sept. kingdom ministry took place.
the instructions were to include a discussion of how the need for workers in the field was great.. basically, the letter says that due to technology, less bethelites are needed, so many are being sent out into the field, with many congregations in the united states receiving the benefits of these "mature" publishers.
yes, they actually said they were sending older ones packing from bethel.
Basically, the letter says that due to technology...
Its possible.
Its also possible that their spinning it, that demand for their publications is down and it costs money to feed and house slaves...oops, I mean volunteers.
your all apostates!..every last,god forsaken,one of`ve left jehovah..thats why your all,so unhappy!
Is It true what they say about you?
No, but they would like to think it is.
1.Your all Apostates! 2.You`ve left Jehovah 3.your all,so unhappy!!
The guilty know it`s not about Jehovah..It`s about thier filthy conduct,and the fact we want nothing to do with thier perverse lifes...
Yes, but they're in denial.
1.Why would we blame that on Jehovah? 2.Why would they insist we do?...OUTLAW
do you use it anymore?
do you care?
do you cringe when you hear it?
I definately use it. I still worship Jehovah, but apart from His errant people.
I am looking forward to learning in the kingdom what, from His point of view, is the correct pronounciation.
deputy dog pointed out this scripture in another thread: isa 45:7 i form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things.. is god saying here that he creates evil?.
But what about God causing calamity?
Based on what I read about how He caused calamity to people it has always been in a disciplinary context. Nothing ever came across as the actions of a bored God tormenting His creatures, which I would consider an act of lawlessness.
deputy dog pointed out this scripture in another thread: isa 45:7 i form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things.. is god saying here that he creates evil?.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary defines evil this way:
Evil 1. morally wrong or bad; immoral
I believe evil = lawlessness because it is the complete absence of any restraint in behavior. God is all about living within law. His standard is no lawlessness of any kind in any degree, not even lying is acceptable as small as that is. He opposes any lawlessness within Himself and within His creation like we would oppose cancer within our bodies or within our loved ones. IMO
the discussion of this text is taken in reference to a discussion i had with a jw elder i know.
most of the time the discussion focused on things not even worth discussing, two things did come up i thought i would examine with more detail because something seemed wrong.
one of these things i discussed here.
11 And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ,
So does this verse mean that an R&F evangelizer can readjust the holy ones views? If that's the case, then that means that someone who has the "earthly hope" has every scriptural right to point out blunders to the "annointed".That's what I get from it. Funny how some of this stuff slips past us. Its a "Check and Balance."
my doctor wants me to try hypnosis to help my sleep and anxiety.
he says it is just a matter of making your mind focus on what you want it to do.
i cannot remember what was supposedly wrong with it in the borg??
As with everything else the GB doesn't like, they make Hypnosis guilty by association because somebody, somewhere, at some time, made it part of something else condemed in the bible.
Just make sure you have a trusted friend with you at the time of your being hypnotised because you do become vunerable and we want to keep the doctor honest. If he has a problem with someone else being in the room with you during your session...go elsewhere.
Remember, hypnosis is a natural state, we can bring it on ourselves. It can also happen unintentionaly, the TV can do it, driving at night can do it, deep daydreaming too is an altered state like hypnosis. Hypnosis is not evil, its just misunderstood.
i have been in the truth my whole life and tomorrow i turn 32!
the last year i have been fading and haven't been to the kh since the memorial.
i can't tell you how it has been such a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders not to have to worry about so many meetings!!!
How good does if feel to you not attending meetings anymore?
Very good. It took about a year and a half not to think of what day it was and connect it to a meeting. I now feel very free and relaxed not having the Evil Slave/GB dictating every waking moment of my life.
comments you will not hear at the 09-10-06 wt study (august 1, 2006, pages 21-25)(fear god) .
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Fearing God means doing things according to his arrangement.-2 Samuel 6:2-9; Numbers 4:15; 7:9.
I can't imagine where they might be heading (probably next week) with this statement!
I copied your outline on 'How To Review The WT' Blondie. Very insightful. I'm keeping it as a personal reference and I'm going to pass it around to some old friends who are still active.
Thanks for another great review Blondie!
in reviewing the new tract i noticed some interesting dishonesty within;
on page three when the wts is describing 'false religion' riding on the back of the scarlet colored wild beast - they coyly refer to the beast as ' the world's political powers*'
- the footnote reads " * for a detailed explanation of this subject, see the book revelation - its grand climax at hand published by jehovah's witnesses.
Intellectual dishonesty
It should be their theme for the DC next year, and the year after and the year after that...
Its one of the things the GB is best at...along with manipulating people.