LOL, I guess once again I'm the contrarian
That's my story...and I'm sticking to it!
i was outside watching a yellow jacket fly about collecting pollen from the clovers out by the smoke area.
it was pretty neat.
how does it know these are flowers?
LOL, I guess once again I'm the contrarian
That's my story...and I'm sticking to it!
i am reading the musician sting's autobigraphy "broken music.
" at one point when worried about his ability to financially support his family he found that praying helped.. now, being raised catholic he resorted to catholic prayers and praying techniques.
he found praying the rosary helpful but for an interesting reason.
Seems like JW rely on the constant, endless stream of publications to numb the R & F's minds...Don't reason out or question the actual words or meaning but just let your mind go numb and take what the WTS tells you as gospel truth.... Am I correct about this? Does anyone else think that rote memorization, regugitating thoughts not your own, and doing it thru use of publications has a mantra quality about it? I'm curious.
I agree with you 100% Robert. This is an excellant way to explain and illustrate the main conditioning tool the WTS uses. I also think the ALL CONSUMING nature of their 'Spiritual Program' (study/meetings/etc.) is designed to separate the individual from they're individuality!
there was some really piddily-crap that i remember.. for instance, when i was about 17 toe-rings became popular, and one of the sisters bought one....wore it to the kh during the summer with her sandals.
my best friend in the hall wanted one, which of course caused this huge debate about whether it would be okay 'in jehovah's eyes', and didn't it go against the scripture that counsels women against "bodily adornment", blah-blah-blah.
toe rings??!
A sister who was told by the elders not to pray with her husband! And brought to a judicial committee and threatened with DF if she did it again!!! (Her husband had been DF and they were now reconciled and were praying together about their marriage.)
This ranks up there among the most outrageous abuses of authority I've heard!!
A branch coordinator who rebuked an elder for saying that Holy Spirit directed the work at Bethel. He used the words, "What makes you think that Holy Spirit has anything to do with this place?"
Smart man...Do you think he's still there? I doubt it. ................................................ My burning incense was a problem for them. They kept asking me what do 'THEY' (the wicca types) use it for? I said, "It doesn't matter what they use it for! What matters is what I'm using it for!
comments you will not hear at the 4-25-04 wt study (march 15, 2004 issue)
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes will be in red and quotes "".
The WTS's constant plea to 'do more' makes me wonder how strong their army of preachers really is? I'd like to know what the numbers are for those entering and leaving the pioneer service. I'll bet there is a regular turnover.
Zondervan NIV - Acts 20:20
"You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly AND from house to house."
I always thought it curious that 'house to house' was listed as a secondary form of preaching, not the primary.
I feel this is my small way in combating their propaganda and teaching others how to look at their material.
Not a 'small way.' I suspect your audience of WTS/Witnesses lurkers is larger than you might think. Thank you for your efforts Blondie.
reading through some of the recent posts, ie; the topic of lazarus and the gay issue, i was flabbergasted at what i was reading.
i can't believe-well maybe i can, that some people on this site are calling gay people "faggots", and telling that person that they are going to get "what sodom and gomorrah got".. this site has been a godsend to me, and have been telling my friends how nice it is to be in with a group of people who can relate to my life, my feelings, my insecurities, and my fears relating to the org.
and not being a part of it anymore.
In every large group of people there will be people who are at the extreme opposite ends of any given issue. Many people are somewhere in the middle. We can't expect polite discussion of the issues from all people and we should not let ourselves get quickly offended when we meet someone who is blunt or even crude in expressing their postion.
i was outside watching a yellow jacket fly about collecting pollen from the clovers out by the smoke area.
it was pretty neat.
how does it know these are flowers?
Your perception is your reality. Mine is mine. All we can do is accept it and get along.
I agree with you to a point. We all live our lives largely according to our beliefs and opinions, yet reality is what it is regardless of how we perceive it. In the end 'a rope is just a rope.'
Please don't misunderstand, I'm all for getting along. I'm not here to fight with anyone. I do enjoy a logical debate.
i was outside watching a yellow jacket fly about collecting pollen from the clovers out by the smoke area.
it was pretty neat.
how does it know these are flowers?
You're wrong...I find no evidence to support the existence of such entities
I would ask you to consider as proof, life itself in all its abundance and the incredibly intricate physical reality that exists around us.
here's the scenario:.
a man has a sex change and 5 years later becomes a dub.
now he's a girl.
Once the birth sex became known (and we know in time it would be) the congregation would treat the individual according to his/her sex at birth. IMO
Sheesh Flash, I wasn't askeered for me, I was skeered for my computer and electronics and the bunnies who live in the back yard.
Sorry SixofNine, It just didn't sound that way.
i am sure the jws do moniter these and other places, but if they are so human and they read all the heart breaking stories on the sites they pry in , how can they live with what they have done to people,i mean just us here get choked up reading what people are and did go through.
jws always say they are human they make mistakes, then how can they not have human emotions?
sorry if i am just rambling , but i can't understand how they can be just stone but say they are human.
How can jws be so stone hearted?
It is the result of their rationalizations based on their WTS conditioning.
We no longer matter to them, we no longer rate as humans. They 'talk the talk' they don't 'walk the walk when it comes to showing real love and concern. Theirs is superficial for display purposes...or they're under compulsion.