Your Bottom Line section is a good idea for people like me.
Bottom line:
God KNEW that Adam and Eve would choose to sin when He created them, but to say that God created Adam and Eve WITHOUT freedom to choose whether to sin would be crediting God with evil and with creating evil and sin.
I'm not so sure He knew Adam and Eve were going to rebel...or even Satan, but I am convinced that He knew somewhere along the eternal way 'someone' would cross the line.
God DID NOT create Lucifer or Adam and Eve as robots who were PROGRAMMED to sin and do evil. God created Lucifer and Adam and Eve with the freedom to choose whether or not to sin and do evil, even though God knew what choice they would make.
There is a big difference between allowing someone the freedom to choose to sin, and creating them in such a way that they MUST SIN.
The Bible shows that the Devil is the originator of sin and death, not God.
The Bible shows that God hates sin, cannot stand sin, must be separated from sin, is absolutely HOLY. So, there is no way that God created Adam in such a way that Adam HAD to sin without freedom to choose.
God chooses who he wants to "draw" to His Son, and then He sends The Spirit to enlighten them with the truth of the Gospel. Then, the person makes a choice -- either repent and believe in Jesus and be saved, OR reject and deny Jesus and go to Hell.
I agree that for God, sin (lawlessness) is untouchable. I believe that God is Love and does nothing un-loving. I think that God being/becoming love was a deliberate choice and the key to His eternalness. The Law of Love is His un-deviable standard and the standard for all creation. Lawlessness is Chaos which by nature is self-destructive. IMO