Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-16-04 (week of 5-10 to 16, 2004) WT Study (4/1/04)
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"Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God."?2 Timothy 2:15 /cgi-bin/bible
Opening Comments
Once again the WTS reaches back into the OT for a lesson to teach Christians. You would think they could be an example of humility, not taking revenge, listening to discipline, and not hoping in uncertain riches in the NT.
Why doesn?t that make you think of Jesus rather than the example they chose, David.
I have never been comfortable with David as an example, a man who committed adultery with another man?s wife, got her pregnant, and they arranged for the husband to be killed to cover up his sins. His punishment lead to the death of 3 sons and the raping of his wives. David wasn?t put to death as the law said adulterers should be. This is a king too that had a census taken even though he knew God had forbidden it and a good friend warned him. As a punishment he chose a plague that killed 70,000 people. Neither David nor his family died.
Paragraphs 1-2
We see impressive scientific and technological advances accompanied by a dramatic decline in moral values.
Are they saying advances in the world caused a decline in moral values?
David?s Humility?A Fine Example
Paragraphs 3-6
Commenting on this verse (1 Samuel 18:18), one scholar wrote: "David?s meaning was, that neither on personal grounds, nor on account of his social standing, nor because of his lineage, could he make the slightest pretension to the honour of becoming the son-in-law of the king." Who is the scholar mentioned here?
Our talents, our achievements, and our privileges should never make us haughty. Translation: Don?t pursue music, sports, education, or anything else that will make you feel special.
4/15 p. 119 Servants Feed the FlockThe important yet humble position occupied by a servant or slave in the Lord?s congregation was looked down upon with scorn and contempt by these puffed-up and pompous ones who presumptuously assumed shepherdhood over the sheep. Proud and haughty, they pushed aside the privilege of being servants, installed themselves as the clergy overseers (a class not provided or arranged for by either Christ or the apostles), and took upon themselves flattering titles, such as bishop elder, archbishop circuit overseer, metropolitan district overseer, pope zone/branch overseer, sovereign pontiff, governing body member etc"Do Not Avenge Yourselves"
Paragraphs 7-9
David refused to harm Saul. Exercising faith and patience, he was content to leave matters in the hands of Jehovah. Translation: Wait on Jehovah.
Though he knew that Saul was in the wrong, David did not avenge himself; neither did he speak abusively to Saul or about him. On several occasions, David restrained himself from taking matters into his own hands. Instead, he relied on Jehovah to set things straight. Translation: Yes, if the elders/GB are wrong, don?t say anything and don?t sue them. Wait on Jehovah.
In any case, be assured that Jehovah sees your situation and will do something about it In his own due time."Listen to Discipline
Paragraphs 10-14
Under the Mosaic Law, adultery was a capital crime. Stunned, he listened as Nathan rendered Jehovah?s inescapable judgment?. A sword would not depart from David?s house ( his sons died not him)
Had he not taken Uriah?s wife in secret" A similar evil would come upon him, not in secret, publicly (his wives were raped by David?s son in public)
Why were David?s wives punished; they hadn?t committed murder/adultery?
He did not deny his guilt (not like the WTS in regard to child sexual abuse). He did not lash out against the prophet Nathan (because he had made David?s sin public; not like the WTS which disfellowships those who speak out)
David accepted responsibility (not saying that untrained elders are responsible).
Jehovah did not shield David from the bitter consequences of his sin, he forgave him. The consequences under the law was death. David wasn?t put to death. His sons died and his wives were raped publicly. How did David reap personally "the bitter consequences of his sin"?
Do Not Hope in Uncertain Riches
Paragraphs 15-17
David?s generous heart moved him to do all he could to promote pure worship. From his personal fortune, he contributed 3,000 talents of gold and 7,000 talents of silver* $1,200,000,000 US. Similarly, may we use our material assets to do good. Rather than pursuing a materialistic way of life, it is better to seek God?s approval. Translation: Not enough JWs are giving their money to the WTS. Interestingly, the amount above almost equals the 951 million plus 200 million from the Furman Street building.
Present Yourself Approved to God
Paragraphs 18-19 "CARROT"
If we continue to rely on God?s spirit, we will be able to ?present ourselves approved to God? now and throughout eternity. Concluding CommentsBe like David Jesus.
Speak up now, God uses humans to accomplish his will.
Don?t wait for a miracle.
The law was not applied in David?s case. Why not?
Who was punished, David or his family?
Be like Nathan, publicize the sins of the rulers.